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Writer's pictureBetzalel Maggid

11:11:18 Mission Dreams - UFO War Pt 3

Updated: Dec 4, 2018


11:11:18 Mission Dreams - UFO War Part 3

By: Betzalel Maggid 2018/11/11

Copyright (c) 2018

Hello again!

Once again before moving on, I will make an open disclaimer here, that I do NOT believe that I am in anyway, an “Insider”, or “Secret Space Program” person. All the events and happenings in this blog, are directly happening in the High Astral realm, and Super Conscious level of my dreams. If I find physical evidence to the opposite, I will directly share that with you on this blog post site. I do not want for there to be ANY mistake taken here.

In the last blog post, I related my experiences with a guided meditation that took me back into my dream to draw out the details I was not able to get to before waking up. This was synchronistically followed by physical evidence of what I was telepathically receiving in my dreams and meditations.

Now I would like to turn our attention to the core of what manifests “Mission Dreams”. As stated before in the last blog, Mission Dreams happen due to there being a “contract”, so to speak with your higher self, about “why you are here on Earth”, specifically at this time in history.

If you are a member of the disclosure community, you may have heard something about the topic of ascension - that is, if you have not been totally immersed in the most recent Qanon posts... If you are not familiar with the concept of ascension, it is said, in the books “The Law of One”, that it is a turning point in a planets history, where a civilization moves from one density to the next, in what is called a “Harvest”. This usually happens during what is called in the Hindu scriptures the “Sāṁvartaka fire”, or “Frashokereti” in Zoroastrianism. (For a crash course on this subject, please watch David Wilcock’s “Mystery Teachings” on Seriously, it’s like getting a PH. D. video course in 20 seasons.) more on that subject will hopefully come in future blogs.



Anyways, if you come from a Judeo-Christian back ground, you may have heard of this same event which is talked about in Christianity - called the “Rapture”, or “resurrection of the dead”, or even “glorified bodies”.

However, as it also goes on to say that in the case of our planet, we have been MASSIVELY held behind due to some heavy circumstances which are laid out in the Law of One. According to the Law of One, the current human race has originated from multiple planets in our galaxy and has harbored many refugees from other planets. From what the book says, about 705,000 years ago, there was another super earth out where the asteroid belt is now. Apparently, Mars was the moon that orbited this super earth. In “The Law of One”, they have called this planet Meldek.


According to the story told by Ra of the Law of One, the inhabitance of both planets at that time were in the middle of their 3rd density civilization. Hostilities had risen to the level where they had a nuclear grudge match with each other, thus destroying Meldek completely, and turning mars to a planet of war and ruin. The Law of One goes on to say that nuclear explosions are a multidimensional explosion. It in turn created a dense, untieable karmic knot which kept the souls of those civilizations entrapped in reliving out their deaths over and over again for 600,000 years.

At that point a higher density guided assistance stepped in and was able to liberate those souls stuck in their karmic knot. They were transplanted here to the earth to live out their remaining 3rd density cycle, while paying off their karmic debt for the destruction and war they caused. This whole circumstance of multiple world civilizations being intermingled on one planet in 3rd density, is unheard of, according to the Law of One. This has caused much of the chaos in human history. It has also hindered the human race from progressing forward in to 4th density.

During the early time of our earthly 3rd density existence, we had survivors from the old civilization on mars, come and set up shop in the contenent of Atlantis. They crashed here with technology they brought from their home. They did much harm and unspeakable acts of violence and genetic experiments on the human life which had started to develop on the planet at this time. After the flood and the sinking of Atlantis, their remnant descendants became what we know from the bible as the Nephilim. The children of the Nephilim, in this day and age, have become the Illuminati Cabal, which now controls this planet. (For more info on this check out Cosmic Disclosure, with David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Emery Smith, Jason Rice, and others.)

As I am sure you have heard, if you are a part of the Disclosure community, that this malevolent group, seeks to control humanity and keep it in the dark, to our true origins. They also seek to keep us pacified and asleep as to our true source of power in the Cosmic Creator of all things, and our co-creative abilities which we can wield to change the fabric of reality around us.

Let me start off by saying, as a human, you are truly powerful! You have the ability to shape reality as you see fit, barring that it does not interfere or infringe upon someone’s free will. “And it harms no one, do as thou wilt....” But sometimes, even the greatest of heroes on their own personal “Hero’s Journey” needs aid and assistance from the light. That is where YOU come in, well actually a lot of us “Star seeds” do.

You see according to the Law of One, there are those “fool hardy” ones of us, who before this life, decided that they would aid and assist this planet in ascension, by raising the thought vibration of the planet with their own vibrational being. Since they usually originate from 4th - 6th density, they have the ability to bring new thought and change in to this world and break down old dead structures of thought enslavement. This is the core being of who you are, and what your mission is here on planet Earth.

I want to now relate to you a dream I recently had which allowed me to get a glimpse behind the veil of my pre-world existence.


2018/09/24 Dreams UFO War

Dream 1:

In my dream, I am part of a team that contacts new ET species in special ops type condition. In my situation, I was double wiped, as I was working two jobs at once, and helping to connect two species together that originally did not like each other.

At first, I am in my parents’ home. I am rolled up like a burrito and put in the closet where my mind is blanked. The mission I am working appears to be in a place with a lot of snow. I am beginning to have double memories-of two different lives at the same time.

In one set of memories, I was researching this way distant star, and was making contact, over a very long distance. I was receiving images of someone taking radiation images of their local star, with defuse electron imaging. They would shoot a high-powered beam of electrons at their parent star and wait for the diffuse images to appear on the other of the star. This would provide interior images of the star they wanted to see.

The second memory, I was sent here on earth, and am observing in my normal life, the daily operation on this planet. I received a car in each dream, that had a communication device like a video camera, that I could communicate with others.

On this second mission, I was going in with military, and capturing data to relay back to headquarters, and would include images from cameras I would take along with me. I would photograph documents, or if documents didn’t exist, I would quickly photo the room in the environment. And get a 3d holographic Akashic modeled image of what happened there to our troops.

we would perform an extraction in and bringing home our old troops. This intel would be relayed back to headquarters who were often thankful to get it, as there was often very little communications coming back from our troops. My images helped them plan the next phase of their operation. All I remember is, I was on a planet with lots of snow. Then I woke up.



In my dream, I am at what seems to be a college. My ex-wife is there and has been warning me about an alien invasion. I walk about a mile across the college campus at night. I can feel that I am not alone. When I got to the destination it seemed to be a bunker which had a massive digital library on the aliens that were landing, and these ones seemed to be hostile. While I was there I grabbed a cellphone like device which would help me record the aliens as it would help get passed their cloaking technology.

I was walking back with a group of people. We were walking back through this bunch of trees in the park at night, when all of a sudden, we began to see spotlights in the sky coming down through the trees from the alien space craft. Next thing we began to be fired upon by the cloaked alien crafts. I turned on my device to hopefully capture sight of them, so I could expose them on social media or the news. I looked through the device screen and saw infrared heat signatures of them flying in formation in the sky and swooping down to shoot at us with their plasma beam weapons. We all began running for the safety of the main buildings on campus. Then I woke up.


Now you may be saying - “Well, this is just all a dream though...”. Yes, it was a dream. A very precise one, that dealt with questions of what mission I am supposed to accomplish while I am incarnated upon this planet. My “mission” is to help aid the lost souls on this planet who have been beaten down by 3rd density, mundane reality, and help lift them back up into the light. It is also to help those who are still asleep and are just about to hear the ascension alarm go off and need waking up.

The reason for me posting these blogs, along with aiding in manifesting my Dream Life, is to be of service to all, who desire to learn about their true inner self. Not only does it provide me with validation on my own path, but aids others in needs as well. Our current world, is one of dense illusion, set up by spiritual forces that wish to make you slumber. I am here to help cut through that illusion. You ARE a SOUL that owns a body. This temporal reality is only vanity, fleeting, and temporary. It was designed by the creator of all things to be a stage or class room to learn upon, but the class room bullies, somehow ended up with the keys to the classroom.

The bullies reign is coming to an end soon. That is more than just a promise - its prophecy, set forth by every world religion. We know how the ending will go, those of higher vibration will stand, and fight and win. While the class room bullies, will get sent to time out. In the meantime we keep fighting a very powerful enemy.

Today of all days, we in the Disclosure community come together in unity. We come to awaken the mass consciousness of this world to the reality of extra-terrestrial life. I call for you – my brothers and sisters in disclosure on this day 11:11:18, to put aside hurts, grievances, wounds, and the desire to retaliate, and let us focus on what is REALLY IMPORTANT – awakening the world to DISCLOSURE, and FORGIVENESS of others and ourselves. We are ALL brothers and sisters of light and love and wisdom in the arms of the Cosmic Creator or all things. Let us not be distracted by meaningless issues. Keep the goal of FULL DISCLOSURE NOW – in your third eye sight.

I leave you with the light and love of the One Infinite Creator of all things.

- Betzalel Maggid

NOTE: Keep an open eye to your dreams the next coming week. The mass meditation done today in Washington D.C. has put out a massive cosmic "Calling" for assistance the light. Allow yourself you be receptive to the answer coming back from the Super Conscious Mind, and the message it brings. Change is always uncomfortable. But we can all rely on each other to get there together, with no soldier left behind.

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