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The Dark Night of the Soul

Writer's picture: Betzalel MaggidBetzalel Maggid

Updated: Dec 4, 2018

The Dark Night of the Soul

By: Betzalel Maggid 2018/10/16

Copyright (c) 2018

Hello again to all my readers. It really has been quite a while since I have posted my last blog hasn’t it. Well don’t worry, I have not gone anywhere. Since the time of my last blog posting much has happened in my life. Such is the way of metaphysics. Metaphysics is the art of becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable. Since my last blog post, I have had a series of major setbacks with this blog project and also some other projects of mine that I have on the back burner. Such as my “El Diablo Ramon” album I have been working on in the last three years and a half.

My teacher, Kelly Sullivan Walden told me when I first met her, that I am in the process of going through “The Dark Night of the Soul”. To those who are unfamiliar with what that is, it is a motif or theme in mythology that describes a certain “calling” to the “Hero” on the path of the “Hero’s Journey”. Usually when this happens in a person’s life, the kingdom is in flames, and the hero is often thrust out of his kingdom, and called upon to perform certain tasks, which aid the Hero in coming to know himself as a “Whole Functioning Self”. This is call to transformation on a grand scale within the Hero’s life. The core being of who he / she was at the beginning is not the person at the end of the quest, who has been refined in the fire and tempered like silver and gold. So let me share with you the turn of events in my own life – since this IS a BLOG – that has set me well into my adventure in the “Dark Night of the Soul”.

Let me start from the beginning. After finishing my last blog “Dream Interpretation: Avengers: Infinity war “, I had a fatal hard drive crash which wiped out ALL of my projects. This included my lessons for Dream Life Coach Training, My El Diablo Ramon album, and also all my graphics and former blog posts for this site as well! That was a massive set back and has taken me some time to regroup. During this time, we also had a series of financial setbacks which really was working to crush morale. As if it couldn’t get any worst, my house was robbed about a month ago, to the tune of $75,000 worth of “stuff”. First of all, I had NO IDEA, that I even owned that much stuff. But some of the things taken set my music back even FURTHER. I had my guitar and bass stolen which I was using to create my music. Even worst “they” stole my grandfather’s Rosicrucian journal which was my inheritance after he passed away, along with his R+C membership card and “40 year membership” letter from the order. These are absolutely unreplaceable. Both me and my family a sick that these have been stolen. They also stole a medicine bag which I had created, after I had a contact dream with my wife’s Native American ancestors from the 1600s, in order to show them honor. This was almost way too much too bear. This last one felt like a good kick in the teeth when you are already down for the count.

So what is the point of me telling you all this? Well during this time of constant kicks to the groin, I have experienced quite the inner journey and adventure. This has been accompanied by, what I feel is a new level of consciousness. You see, in my Dream Life Coach Training class, we were asked to create a goal image of the person who we want to become. The image is called your “North Star”. the going gets tough, it is there as a constant reminder to yourself, of what your core values are, and the end goal of who you are becoming in your “Dream Life”. In my “Dream Life North Star” image – which I can’t post here for copyright reasons – as I used movie pictures, I imaged my five-pointed star:

1) At the top – was all the Infinity Stones from Infinity war symbolizing “Super Conscious Permanent Understandings”.

2) The right top point of the star, was “Lady Galadriel” from the “Lord of the Rings”, Symbolizing my higher Feminine inner goddess, or “Super Conscious Receptive aspect of self”.

3) To the left top point of the star, I chose “Gandalf The White”, to symbolize my higher inner Masculine God form, or “Super Conscious Active aspect of self”.

4) On the lower right point of the star, I chose “Rey” from Starwars, as she symbolized, my Feminine Witch aspect of self that I chose to manifest in the physical conscious reality.

5) On the Lower left point of the star, I chose “Obi Wan” from starwars, as he symbolizes my Masculine Wizard aspect of self, that I chose to manifest in this conscious mind.

6) In smack dead in the center – who else – but Dr.Strange. he symbolizes my inner beauty – the master of all aspects of self, and arcane metaphysical sciences. He represents my “Knower” or “Hero” on the journey.

Above the picture, I wrote my wish to become a master of “The Power of the 8 Siddhis”. To those who are not familiar with Hindu mysticism, the power of “The Power of the 8 Siddhis”, is achieved by an initiate who is coming close to becoming enlightened. These powers are described as such by Wikipedia:

Eight primary siddhis

The eight classical siddhis (Ashta Siddhi) or eight great perfections are:

· Aṇimā: reducing one's body even to the size of an atom

· Mahima: expanding one's body to an infinitely large size

· Garima: becoming infinitely heavy

· Laghima: becoming almost weightless

· Prāpti: ability to be anywhere at will

· Prākāmya: realizing whatever one desires

· Iṣṭva: supremacy over nature

· Vaśtva: control of natural forces

· "kāma-avasayitva": complete satisfaction (It is mentioned is some texts)

This in itself is a mighty tall order to attain. There is something that you ought to know when doing “Inner work”. The higher you want to go in your journey – the more “hulling out” of the person you are, will occur. This meaning, you will experience a MASSIVE ego death. Think of it in terms of a glass of water. The glass itself is a representation of your physical consciousness – i.e. your physical body and brain. The water would represent your soul consciousness, or “Neshama”. What happens when a “hulling out” or “Ego death” occurs, is some of that water, which is inside the glass, is poured out. This occurs in order for the water to be replaced by light consciousness of the Cosmic Creator of all things. Or in Rosicrucianism, we say “The God of Your Heart”. So, as you can imagine, such a high lofty goal, creates a very intense “hulling out” session. Ouch!

The “Hulling out” has not been fruitless though. In this time of “The Dark Night of The Soul”, I have had extraordinarily profound dreams. Of which I will be sharing in future posts, as my teacher, Kelly Sullivan Walden, has stressed to me the importance of the activation process, is sharing your dream with others. My goal through this, is that not only I might be changed by them, but you by reading them become changed as well. It was once said by a teacher of mine, in Judaism, that Light, Righteousness, and Enlightenment are infectious. Meaning, that just by your aura field being of a higher vibration, and being in the proximity of another person, you literally change their vibration as well. It is my goal that by sharing my dreams and experiences with you, that you too also receive a “Download” of consciousness as well. We all grow in enlightenment together. No one of us is better than the other. We are all brothers and sisters in the arms of the light of the Cosmic Creator.

Well that is all for tonight. Very soon I will start posting my dreams, as well as their interpretations. I want to share with you these awesome and powerful dreams, so they might change your life too.

May the light of the Cosmic be with you.

- Betzalel Maggid

NOTE to reader: The image of the Rune lay out above, was the one I did the day I got robbed. Notice the “Haglaz” or “H” rune in the center. It is akin to the “Tower” card in the Tarot. The crumbling of old structures, in order to be rebuilt anew. “Haglaz” is the rune for hail, which in ancient times, could ruin homes and crops. But it also brought with the ruin, rain, which was needed for crops to grow anew.

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