Mission Dreams on Mars Part 1
By: Betzalel Maggid 2018/11/01
Copyright (c) 2018 www.dreamrunes.com
Hello again!
This is going to be a pretty long blog, so I will be breaking it up into parts for easier reading. For this blog I want to start off with a bit of a disclaimer. I am stating right now as of this time in my life, I do NOT think that I am an “Insider”, or a member of the “SSP” (secrete space program) or have physically been to any of the places listed below in this blog. I am stating right now upfront, I feel all these dreams and events happened with in the dream realm / astral level, and in parts of the Super Conscious Mind - or at least until proven otherwise to me by factual hard-core evidence. If that is ever the case, you will be the first to know, and I will present you the evidence myself.
Now that the afore mentioned disclaimer is out of the way, I can begin to take you on the adventure I have been going through the past few months.
This tale actually originally started way back, when I was a student going to college at the age of 25. I first had this reoccurring dream start around the year 2001. I have had this dream two to three times that I can remember. The last time I had this dream was in 2011. So here we go.
2011/03/30 Dream Space Shuttle
In my dream, there is a new space shuttle being built. I am walking outside through the woods with my dad to where people are boarding the space ship. I told my dad, "I wonder how they get insurance for a space shuttle like this?". when i got to where they were boarding, I noticed a familiar looking man. (I think his first name was Karl or something like that...) he is a part of a special group of people, who has specially selected souls before incarnating in to bodies, into a group of 12 to get on board the spaceship. these people were selected even before their birth and had special signs which they used to tell who we were. I looked into my pocket and found a gold stone with the star of David on it encircled by 7 planets or phases of the moon. I realized I had been previously selected. i walked up to the older man and showed him the stone. He seems to know me with a deep soul connection. he said " Ah yes, I wondered when you would be showing up, my science officer. you have a high aptitude for the sciences. go ahead and board the ship." i was kind of astounded that I could not sense this purpose before and that it was hidden from all of us. i wondered what the mission was we were on. (The older man had grey hair and a mustache… looked to be in his mid to late 60s, he had on a black coat, and looked to be the one organizing the event.)
This is the first dream, in a sequence of dreams that have been coming to the forefront of my life the last two to three years. During this time, I have become active in the U.F.O. Disclosure community, and have found a home here, of like vibration souls - searching for the truth.
This next dream I had is connected in subject matter to the first. And this is where I have started to fall down the rabbit hole on this adventure.
2018/08/03 Dream Mars Caves
In my dream. I am watching what is almost like 1950 s type sci-fi movie of mars. Jimmy Church was broad casting the movie or was the announcer. Apparently, there was an old evil rouge faction of humans which has taken over mars, but they were 100s of miles below the surface.
There was breathable air on mars, but it was very thin, and had kind of a sulfur smell to it. There was a prisoner we had of the other side, that was telling us where to find the entrance to the cave or tunnel, that would take us under the surface of mars. We were not really sure if this guy was telling us the truth.
They sent me down to inspect the entrance room, going down into the caves. It almost had the vibe of entering a pharos tomb. There were natural formations of raw crystals in the dirt, on the floor, which I picked up and kept. The walls were a bright pale green in color and very vibrant. I could tell they were cut out of the rock. There was full breathable air in the room, aside from the sulfur smell.
The man who we had captured told us that going down into the caves was very dangerous as there was a bat like creature that ate insects of some kind for eons but was 1000 time more poisonous then a black widow bit. He said they had what was called an “October bow-fang” which was very sharp and had a looping type formation to it. I saw images of it flying through the air in the cave to catch and eat stuff. I received these messages telepathically. Then I woke up.
(Jimmy Church can be found here on www.jimmychurchradio.com )
This dream was so vivid and seemed so real, that I could even smell the sulfur in the air! I shared this dream with my teacher Kelly Sullivan Walden, and also Jimmy church’s Fade 2 Black radio, when she was the guest speaker on the show.
Something that surprised me, is that Jimmy Church acknowledged on the show that he is drawn to old 1950s Mars Sci-Fi shows, which was amazing to me that I picked up this detail in my dream.
This dream had me so perplexed, that i did some experimentations in trying to “re-enter” the dream. This is a technique which was taught to me at the School of Metaphysics, where i received my “Respondere” degree.
2018/08/27 Dream Mars Cave P2
In my dream I tried to re-enter into the Mars cave dream I previously had. At that point I was only able to get jumbled images of the mars cave. One image I did see was the image of a cave, and then an electrical plus and negative signs extending out of the opening of a cave on what look like a map. Almost like an electrical circuit board.
The images which I was openly receiving were very perplexing. Due to my extensive training, I am conditioned to always look at, and interpret a dream, as always happening to myself on the inner levels, and not as currently happening physical event.
After I had the mars dream, I ran across a video by secure team 10, that talked about a data dump on the CIA website. This was a remote viewing session that details almost exactly what I experienced.
I shared this information with my teacher Mrs. Kelly Sullivan Walden, and we were both shocked at the descriptions, in both my dream, and this CIA remote viewing session which was disclosed. This disclosure gave me the proof I needed to investigate this dream further.
In part 2 of this article, I will detail my experience of using a guided meditation to re-enter this dream, and the fruits it yielded.
Stay tuned for the next blog article coming shortly. In the meantime, has there been an extraordinary dream you have had, which you feel may be more than just a standard dream? Possibly a dream of contact with a disembodied soul, telepathic communication, or possible extra-terrestrial visitation? I would love to see your comments.
May the peace of the Cosmic abide with you.
- Betzalel Maggid