By: Betzalel Maggid 2018/05/16
Copyright (c) 2018
If you have not studied the Mystery Schools your entire life, chances are, you have never heard of an “Egregore” before. So, you may be asking, “What the heck is an Egregore?”. Well fortunate for you, that’s what this article is all about.
Egregores are “Egos”, that form in the inner levels of “Mind”, whenever a group of people with like minds come together in a common cause. They are constructs of thought forms, that contain with in them, all the information, symbols, affirmations, emotions, actions, memories, and permanent understandings, of those who have accessed the group though form before. In this regard they act as spiritual databases, who’s existence lasts for thousands of years, for some of the most powerful ones. In our modern times, we have an everyday example of Egregores. These are multi-national corporations.
Egregores can exist on almost all levels of the conscious and subconscious minds. The less powerful ones exist on the lower vibrations of the “Emotional” level of mind, and the “Lower Astral”. These are often witnessed during evens such as rock concerts, where the crowd starts to sing in unison to the music, or you can feel the “vibe” of the crowd. There is also a more negative manifestation of a lower vibration egreore, and that happens during riots, or wars. Another modern-day manifestation of Egregores are Memes, which grow across the internet, and are transferred to one social media site to another.
Egregores which exist on the higher vibrational level of mind are truly cosmic and expansive. Some examples of higher vibrational Egregores are ones like the Rosicrucian’s “Celestial Sanctum” which can be reached via special meditation they hand out in monograph form. The monograph “Celestial Sanctum 777” contains the rules and guidelines for accessing the vibrational light of the Egregore. They also give specific affirmations which grant access to enter the sanctum. The Freemasons likewise have their own Egregore formed from the thought forms and shared mythology of Hiram Abiff. For the truly massive Egregores, we can look to Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism. Each of these faiths have their own Egregore, and specialized prayers, statements, and affirmations which subconsciously enable the faithful to access and attach to the specific Egregore. One example in Christianity, is “calling upon the blood of Christ”, or the ritual of the Sacrament. These actions aid in creating an attachment energetically to that specific Egregore.
Likewise, the mechanics of Egregores extend to that of cultural distinctions in groups of people, and even nations, and planets. The statement of “I’m an American!”, or “I’m Mexican” attaches one to that Egregoreic identity in the subconscious mind. On a grander scale, books such as “The Law of One”, describes planetary Egregores, as “Social Memory Complexes”. They describe the hallmark of a 4th density civilization as one, who has actively created a planetary based Egregore, or “Social Memory Complex” that the 4th density civilization as a whole connect to. As of yet, our planet has not yet reached that state. We still remain divided among ourselves, in foolish, selfish pursuits, of wealth, fame, and fortune. It will only be when we can come past our imaginary divisions of “individuated self”, to see our neighbor as our own self. Only then we will be able to attain this Egregore, or Social Memory Complex.
In some writings on Egregores, there is also a darker side to these massive “Mind” structures. It is reported that when blood has been spilled on behalf of an Egregore, that it becomes hungry for blood in order to sustain itself. This is often seen in religious wars, pogroms, and persecutions of different cultural or religious beliefs. In other writings from the Rosicrucian’s, they mention that some Egregores are associated with Archangels or in their fallen form, Jinn, or demonic forces. There is a great Rosicrucian article here:
They state that when the Egregore grows to a high level, it begins to take on a consciousness of all its own. The Egregore is fed by the life force, thought power, and actions of its adherents, and in worst case scenarios by sacrificial blood. This is why some Shamans prefer to go through the process of removing any attachments to Egregores, when they are doing work on the inner levels.
One of the benefits of a positive Egregore, is that those who attach to it, gain access to all the spiritual information, of those who came before them. This has a cumulative effect, of significantly speeding up the initiates journey into advanced wizardry. If you follow a tradition similar to the Rosicrucian’s, such as “The Celestial Sanctum”, you may even talk to masters of the order who have passed on. What you are seeing is a “Klipot” or shell, or husk of the former incarnation of the former master, that has left his or her imprint on the Egregore. In “The Celestial Sanctum”, at least guides are here to teach, instruct, and aid the current initiate into initiation of the divine mysteries.
We should each see Egregores consciously, as a tool for self-transformation, and positive growth. Attention should be paid though, to the fruits of the actions of the Egregore. Any Egregore which sheds blood, cannot have a good outcome. Do your research when evaluating whether or not, you want to be connected with an Egregore. “And it harm NO ONE, do as thou wilt…”
I hope this brief blog article is helpful and beneficial to those who have found this webpage.
Here are a few articles that I really respect as a wizard. They have done great research into egregores and would be beneficial if this subject matter is of interest to you.
What is an Egregore? (Free Mason Site)
Egregor (Confraternity of the Rose Cross)
The Egregore of a School (Servants of Light – Madam Blavatsky’s group)
Egregore (Witchipedia)
Egregore (Theosophy Wiki)
Thank you for your time, and attention, to reading my blog. Blessed Be!
· Betzalel Maggid