Creating your own “Book of Shadows”
By: Betzalel Maggid 2018/05/17
Copyright (c) 2018 dreamrunes.com
Being a Metaphysician, I own a lot of journals. I mean A LOT of journals. Over the years, I have collected a massive assortment, of both metaphysics journals, and dream journals. These have been a fail-safe backup, to anything I write down on my computer, or on the net. Not only mine, but I have also inherited my grandfather’s Rosicrucian journal, which I keep in my safe. In the 25 + years of being a wizard, I have never thought about writing down my spells, or potions, and secret mathematical gematria formulas in Hebrew, or Elder Futhark. So, a few years ago, I was at a medieval fair, when a booth was closing down for the end of the fair, and their leather-bound books went up to over 60% off. I couldn’t resist the urge, and my wife let me purchase a large leather-bound book, with stones bound in the cover. It was the journal I had always dreamed of owning. An ancient mystical looking tome, which looks like it would hold spells, to unravel the fabric of the universe.

After purchasing my new tome, and bringing it home, I was left wondering what I would fill in my new special journal, which cost $45, but was worth $150. At first, I figured, I could fill it with drawings of some kind, but that did not really feel right. This was a special journal, I felt it. Then the thought dawned on me, “You know, I have never really had a ‘Book of Shadows’ before.” When I was studying under my Sister Witch, along with my friend’s mom, she would always tell me, that I needed to start writing a “Book of Shadows”, so I may pass my spells, notes, and experiences, on down the line of witch’s and wizards to come after me. At that time, I was so busy gathering information, books, and resources for my friend’s mom in her research of Kabbalah, that I never got around to making a “Book of Shadows”. I had a lot of dream journals, and metaphysics journals, for writing down dreams, and metaphysical lessons and experiences, sure. But I have never had a book which contains all my secret spells, and incantations to tear apart the fabric of space and time. So, it finally occurred to me, “I need a ‘Book of Shadows’!” My kids are now coming of age, where passing down this information would be of considerable value to them. After all, I really do, legitimately have a spell in Elder Futhark, which is a curse against zombies rising from grave! (The actual spell, is to cause the raised dead, to long for the grave.) what better thing to have during a zombie apocalypse?
So, during this last three years, I have gone through the process of writing down, all the spells I know, into my special “Book of Shadows”. I have put in all the formulas in Elder Futhark for various needs. Love spells (which no one should ever use), the afore mentioned anti-zombie spell, curses (which no one should ever use), spells of protection and banishment, and spells to sanctify a home or “Stead” for magickal use. Some of my more favorite ones, are my instructions for creating magical wands, wizard staffs, and enchanting wizard cloaks. Due to my research into the Yggdrasill, I have picked up Futhark based spells along the way which I use quite frequently. Whether it’s making a personalized real wizard staff some a friend, or shielding our property line from metaphysical creepy crawlies, having a “Book of Shadows” around, has proved way more useful than I originally thought. Due to my time in my friend’s wizard coven, I became use to creating spells on the fly, whenever the need arose. This was due mostly, to a baptism of fire, due to some of the circumstances that arose in the circle. It has actually taken some time, to go back in memory, and to remember what I did or said, and then translate that to paper.
So, what does one actually put into a “Book of Shadows”? My Sister Witch would say, that a “Book of Shadows” is the most sacred writing a witch or wizard will ever write. It is a sacred working of magick, which you leave behind as a heritage for those who come after you. Since it is a sacred writing, it must be held sacred in whatever you do with it. In otherwards, you probably shouldn’t be taking with you into the bathroom or any other unclean place. This also pertains to what you write down in it. Each kind of journal has its own special place in a witch’s or wizard’s life. Dream journals are for the writing down, and interpretations of dreams. Metaphysics journals, are notes on the lessons you are reading, and the experiences that occur after the lesson during the week. The “Book of Shadows”, is like a witch’s or wizards cookbook. Within a “Book of Shadows” you should find the following.
1. Spells
2. Rituals
3. Incantations
4. Runic of Hebraic formulas of power
5. Diagrams of sacred geometry which pertain to the inner mysteries
6. Diagrams of alter or circle layouts, and the directions for using them
7. Angelic Sigils, Segulah, seals, and Bind Runes
8. Potions for specific purposes
9. Bindings and summoning’s (preferably of guides or angels)
10.Lists of time periods that planetary influences take place for use in Magick
11.Magick squares
12.Directions for construction of magick instruments
13.Lists of sacred alphabets and symbols, what they mean and how to use them
14.Herbology lists, notes on the user of herbs for potions or various other uses
15.Notes or warning on use of spells or the afore mentioned items on list
16.Brief synopsis of outcome of spell. (The lengthier description should be saved for the metaphysics journal.)
These items alone, make your “Book of Shadows” a powerhouse of thought forms. In traditional Rabbinical Kabbalah, many Rabbis keep Kabbalistic books in their library, and don’t even read them. They keep them in their home, as the know that the letters expressed in the books, creates a thought form “attractor field”, of positive Super Conscious thought. They believe that the thought field, created by those holy books, protect them and elevate their spiritual consciousness. The same is true for your “Book of Shadows”. By the act of expressing your thoughts of magick into your book, you are putting your conscious co-creative ability to work, creating something powerful a sacred.
There are many ways to write down your secret spell formulas. It should be something which evokes the sacred within you. Some “dyed in the wool” witches like my Sister Witch, use their own blood to write in their “Book of Shadows”. I myself, use India ink and a brush, which I have specially placed on my alter, for that specific sacred purpose. The key is to make it a special practice.
I hope that this blog, has given you insight into how to create your own “Book of Shadows”. Here is to your own writings! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I appreciate your time and attention.
· Betzalel Maggid