Dream Interpretation: Avengers: Infinity war
By: Betzalel Maggid 2018/06/04
Copyright (c) 2018 dreamrunes.com
(Please note: Avengers Infinity War, and all characters are the property of Disney, and Marvel (c).)
“By images and names are all powers awakened and re-awakened”
– Israel Regardie –‘The Golden Dawn: A Complete Course in Practical Ceremonial Magic’
Ok, so in the last article I asked everyone to treat a movie they are watching as a dream interpretation. I decided I will also do the same. As by now, I am sure that everyone has already seen Avengers Infinity War, I am sure I am not spoiling anything for anyone by doing a dream interp on it. Because it is so large of a movie, I am breaking it down into the individual scenes, much like how a dream happens. I will be writing out the dream symbols for each individual part. Please note: Avengers Infinity War is the property of Disney, and Marvel. Now that I got all the legal stuff out of the way, let’s begin. I’m going to break it down like a fraction!
Dream : Avengers Infinity War
Scene 1)
The scene opens a starship that the Asgardians are traveling on towards earth. An invading force called “The Black Order” has boarded the vessel and has killed 1/3 of the crew. The leader of the invading crew Thanos, and his evil wizard Ebony Maw, are walking about and talking down to the dyeing crew. Thor is there, and he has been beaten. Thanos addresses Loki and tells him to give over the Infinity Stone which he has stolen from Asgard’s vault. Loki acts like he is going to give Thanos the infinity stone which controls space, by first manifesting it, and walking up to Thanos. At which point he turns and says that they have a hulk. The hulk comes running from out of nowhere and starts to beat Thanos down. Thanos shrugs off the Hulks beatings, and then punches the hulk and knocks him out. Thanos walks over to Thor who is encaged in a metal trap and starts to crush his head. At which point Loki surrenders the Infinity Stone for sparing Thor’s life. Loki then pulls out a knife and stabs Thanos, but it doesn’t faze him. Thanos picks up Loki and starts to strangle him. Loki tells Thanos that he will never be a God. Thanos then snaps his neck. At this point, Heimdall who is laying wounded on the floor, picks up his sword which opens the BiFrost, and prays to the “All-Father” to conjure enough dark matter to send the knocked-out Hulk to earth. Thanos then says he made a mistake and kills him with his own sword. Thanos takes the Space Gem and puts it in his Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos then teleports off the ship with Space Gem:
Dream Symbols:
This would be a physical body which represents and organization. This body helps the group consciousness through different states of mind. This time, the state of mind, is extremely foreign.
Asgardians are traveling on towards earth:
A group aspect of self which represents the Super Conscious Mind, or Super Conscious thought forms. These are both active and passive aspects of the Super Conscious Mind. Asgardians are the exact Super Conscious personification of Aesir and Vanir, and are often seen as being angelic beings and gods in Noris mythology. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Æsir#Æsir_and_Vanir)
“The Black Order”:
This is a negative group aspect of self, which is highly advanced and aggressive. This group aspect would be considered a group consciousness or “Egregore”. A negative group consciousness which is focused on taking over all levels of mind, for service to the self. It plans to transform half the mass group aspects of self, for the service to the self, by which through serving the self, the service to the others is achieved. The Black Order is a personification of the cohort of negative Super Conscious primordial deities Thanatos (Death), Geras (Old Age), Oizys (Suffering), Moros (Doom), Apate (Deception), Momus (Blame), Eris (Strife), Nemesis (Retribution), Charon (The boat man of the river Styx). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_primordial_deities)
boarded the vessel and has killed 1/3 of the crew:
This hostile negative group aspect of the dreamer, has violently transformed group aspects of the Super Conscious Mind, or Super Conscious Thought forms on a massive level.
Evil wizard Ebony Maw:
A negative conscious aspect of the dreamer, which focuses on the negative spiritual path of “Service to Self”. This aspect is highly trained in the arcane knowing the self in relation to the serving of self before all others. Ebony Maw is the personification of the Super Conscious primordial archetype of Erebos (Darkness, Deep Shadow) and was said to be the place between Hades and Earth. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erebus)
A positive Super Conscious Aspect of self that is on the “Hero’s Journey”. This Super Conscious Aspect of self, represents strength, courage, enlightenment, and raw power. Thor is the exact personification of the Super Conscious archetype of Thor himself. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thor)
A positive Super Conscious aspect of self who represents the Tarot archetype of the trickster or magician. This Super Conscious Aspect of self, aids the other archetype of the hero, on his path of the “Hero’s Journey”. This aspect of self is the initiator and teacher of the arcane symbols of consciousness, occult, and illusion. Loki us the exact personification of the Super Conscious archetype of Loki himself. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loki)
A positive Super Conscious aspect which represents raw power and strength. Hulk is the personification of the Super Conscious archetype, Hercules, Sampson in the bible, ect… This archetype uses power without restraint. Also there is a similarity between Jekale hand Hyde, and the Greek myth of Hercules killing Magora his wife, and three children with his own bow. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heracles)
A negative conscious aspect of a negative group consciousness archetype of the main villain. The saboteur. This aspect of self, is the leader of the “service to self, is service to others” mentality. As the archetype of the main villain, this would look like the head of the Illuminati Cabal in the conscious mind. This active aspect from the negative violent group aspect of self, is focused on over throwing and transforming the Super Conscious Aspects of self, in order to gain their power, and then to transform all levels of mind, to its desire. Thanos, is the personification of the Super Conscious primordial archetype of Thanatos (Death). “Thanatos was thus regarded as merciless and indiscriminate, hated by - and hateful towards — mortals and gods alike.”
An active Super Conscious aspect of self that has the ability to use perception to see things as they really are. Heimdall is the exact Super Conscious personification of Heimdallr himself. “Heimdall is attested as possessing foreknowledge, keen eyesight and hearing, and keeps watch for the onset of Ragnarök while drinking fine mead in his dwelling Himinbjörg, located where the burning rainbow bridge Bifröst meets heaven.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heimdallr)
Infinity Stone / Space gem:
Super Conscious Permanente Understandings about how to manipulate the environment around the dreamer.
Infinity Gauntlet:
A tool which uses purpose, to harness the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings for one’s own will and desire
Thanos tells Loki to hand over Infinity Stone:
The dreamer’s active aspect of the negative group consciousness, tells the Super Conscious aspect of self which is, the trickster and magician, to give it the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding, of how to manipulate his own environment on all levels of mind.
Loki calls in Hulk:
The Super Conscious aspect of the Magician, calls the other Super Conscious aspect which represents raw power and unrestrained strength to fight back against the aspect of negative group consciousness, to keep it from learning the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of manipulating the environment on all levels of mind.
Thanos beats Hulk and knocks him out:
The aspect of the negative group consciousness, then over powers the Super Conscious aspect which represents raw power and strength and causes this Super Conscious aspect to become unconscious.
Thor is encaged in metal trap:
The dreamer’s aspect of Super Conscious mind which represents courage, power, and protection, is trapped by the negative group aspect. This negative aspect uses mind substance which is very strong by use of will power to restrain the Super Conscious aspect from acting.
Thanos threatens to kill Thor by crushing his head:
The negative aspect, is threatening to violently transform this Super Conscious aspect with its purpose of acquiring the Permanent Understanding of how to manipulate the environment to his liking on all levels of mind.
Loki surrenders the Space Gem to save Thor’s life:
The dreamer’s Super Conscious aspect of guile and wizardry, finally surrenders the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of manipulating the environment on all levels of mind, in order to save the Super Conscious aspect of courage, strength and power.
Loki stabs Thanos:
The Super Conscious aspect of the trickster, attempts to violently transform the leader or chief thought form, of the negative group aspect of self. This Super Conscious aspect uses his tools for transformation, but the are not enough to overcome the negative group consciousness.
Thanos Kills Loki:
The head aspect of the negative group consciousness, transforms the Super Conscious aspect of the trickster, by removing its life force or thought energy.
Heimdall summons All-Father’s dark energy to use BiFrost to send Hulk to Earth:
The dreamer’s Super Conscious aspect which has the ability of preceptive sight, calls out to the Super Consciousness which is the Creator of all, to summon the final power to open a portal between foreign states of mind, to transfer the Super Conscious aspect which represents pure unrestrained power, and is unconscious, back to a state of mind which is not foreign to it.
Thanos kills Heimdall with his own sword:
The head aspect of the negative group consciousness, violently transforms the Super Conscious aspect with true perception of the self, in retaliation for transporting the other Super Conscious aspect out of the current state of mind, to safety, and to warn other conscious aspects of the dreamer that a dangerous thought form is emerging from the inner levels of mind.
Thanos puts Space Gem in Infinity Gauntlet:
The negative violent aspect of the negative group consciousness, uses his Super Conscious tool for purpose to harness the power of the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of manipulating the environment on all levels of mind.
Thanos teleports of ship with Space Gem:
The Negative violent aspect of the negative group consciousness, then uses the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding to move between different states of mind.
Scene 2)
Dr. Strange and his sidekick Wan are at the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York. They are walking down the stairs and are about to go outside and get some coffee. Next thing that happens is the Hulk / Dr. Bruce Banner comes crashing down through the sanctums roof. At which point Dr. Strange and Wan are alerted and also perplexed as to how he got there. Dr.Banner wakes up and tells them of Thanos coming to earth, and he is wanting to steal all the Infinity Stones to wipe out half the life in the universe.
Dream Symbols:
The Time Gem:
Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time
Dr. Strange:
A conscious aspect of self that uses arcane knowledge to know the self, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, for the purpose of “Service to Others”. This aspect of self is on the path of the “Hero’s Journey”. Dr. Strange is the personification of the Super Conscious archetype Thoth from Egyptian Mythology. Thoth was wisest of all the Gods, he was symbolized as a Baboon and Ibis bird. He helped Isis in reconstructing Osiris and raising him back from the dead. It is interesting because there is a direct reference in the movie to Tony Stark being Dr.Strange’s “chattering monkey”, which is a tip of the hat to the baboon icon. (http://www.thekeep.org/~kunoichi/kunoichi/themestream/thoth.html#.WxHUnS-ZO7M)
A helping conscious aspect of self, which aids the other main aspect of self which uses arcane knowledge. This aspect of self, would be the Tarot archetype of the Hierophant, which likes for experiences to have a specific purpose. This aspect of self, has the ability to teach the main conscious aspect of self about the connection between the inner self, and the higher levels of mind, and connect them to the Conscious Mind, and the waking reality. This conscious aspect is the personification of the Super Conscious archetype Aani. “In Ancient Egyptianreligion, Aani is the dog-headed ape sacred to the Egyptian god Thoth. "One of the Egyptian names of the Cynocephalus Baboon, which was sacred to the god Thoth."(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aani)
Dr. Banner:
The conscious mind aspect of controlled strength. This aspect of self, through being put into a state of unconsciousness was able to regain control of reasoning in the Conscious Mind. (See Hulk)
The sanctum / New York City:
A state of mind, which is devoted to learning about, and guarding the knowledge to the higher self, and the Super Conscious Mind.
Dr. Banner crashes through roof of sanctum:
The Conscious aspect of controlled strength crashes down from outside this state of mind, through all three levels on mind, and into the unconscious state of mind.
Dr. Strange and Wan are alerted:
The two conscious aspects of self that focus on arcane knowledge in the use of “Service to Others”, becomes alerted to a malevolent thought form and group consciousness which is emerging from the inner self, to overtake the outer conscious mind.
Thanos coming to earth to steal Infinity Stones to kill half the universe:
The head thought form or aspect of self that is violent, and negative is on its way, now that it has gained Super Conscious mastery over manipulating the mental environment and can now move in between all levels of mind at will. This is for the purpose of transforming half of the dreamer’s aspects of self to its own liking. This is an act of “service of self, being service to others”.
Scene 3)
Tony Stark and his girlfriend Pepper Pots are walking in the park in Manhattan. Tony is telling Pepper Pots about a dream he had, that she was pregnant and was going to have a baby which they named, after a relative. At which point a vortex opens up, and Dr. Strange walks out, and Tony is caught off guard. Dr. Strange tells Tony that he needs to come with him, as Dr. Banner fell through the roof and needs to tell him something important. Tony walks through the vortex, and is told by Dr. Banner about Thanos and his plans for the Infinity Stones. All of a sudden, there is a noise outside the Sanctum.
Dream Symbols:
Tony Stark/ Iron Man:
Conscious aspect of self that is active, which uses the faculty of reasoning and has mastery over the physical brain. This conscious aspect, Super Conscious arcane personification would be Hephaestus, the Greek God who created the armor and weapons for the Gods of Olympus. This symbol is also the “Tin Man”, as he is the “Man of metal without a heart”. Hephaestus is the Greek god of blacksmiths, metalworking, carpenters, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metallurgy, fire, and volcanoes. In Greek mythology, Hephaestus was the son of Zeusand Hera, the king and queen of the gods. In another version, he was Hera's parthenogenouschild, rejected by his mother because of his deformity and thrown off Mount Olympus and down to earth.As a smithing god, Hephaestus made all the weapons of the gods in Olympus. He served as the blacksmith of the gods and was worshipped in the manufacturing and industrial centers of Greece, particularly Athens. Hephaestus' symbols are a smith's hammer,anvil, and a pair of tongs. Tony Stark became Iron Man in the first movie, by being held captive in a cave in the Afghanistan mountains. Wounded in the heart, he created his own battle armor and weapons with an anvil, hammer and tongs. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hephaestus)
Pepper Pots:
Subconscious aspect of self which is receptive to the reasoning faculty of mind, and the physical brain. Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddessof love,beauty,pleasure, and procreation. She is identified with the planet Venus, which is named after the Roman goddess Venus,with whom Aphrodite was extensively syncretized. Aphrodite's major symbols include myrtles, roses, doves,sparrows, and swans. her image is also equivalent to Ishtar, where we get the holiday of Easter from.The planet Venus not only has a connotation of fertility, but also influences finance and business. Thus, the image of Pepper Pots as a successful CEO of a fortune 500 company. The modern idealized successful woman. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphrodite)
A new thought form or new idea about the self.
Park in New York city:
A state of mind, which is peaceful in the Subconscious Mind where multiple group aspects meet and interact.
An energetic opening between different states of mind.
Tony walks through the vortex:
The conscious reasoning aspect of mind, travels through an energetic gateway to a state of mind which houses knowledge of the arcane mysteries, and Super Conscious thought forms.
Dr. Banner tells Tony Stark about Thanos, and the Infinity Stones:
The conscious aspect of restrained strength and control, is communicating to the aspect of reasoning conscious mind there is a immanent threat to all levels of mind. This aspect that represents controlled strength, tells the conscious of reasoning aspect about the negative violent aspect and the negative group consciousness which is emerging and gaining power on all levels of mind, and has the possibility to transform all aspects of self in a negative violent selfish way.
a noise outside the Sanctum:
Attention of all conscious aspects of mind, is drawn outside the current state of mind, and into the subconscious mind.
Scene 4)
Dr. Strange, Wan, Tony Stark, and Dr. Banner walk outside, and see a massive circular space ship coming down out of the atmosphere into New York City. Tony tells Dr. Banner to bring out the Hulk, whereby he tries, but the Hulk refuses to come out. Tony tells Dr. Banner that he is making him look bad in front of the wizards. Dr. Strange teleports Dr. Banner out of the battle and into the park. Dr. Strange does a spell to stop the dust and wind gusts from the space ship. At that time Ebony Maw comes down and askes Dr. Strange to hand over his Infinity Stone which is the Time Gem. He refuses and a massive battle happens between Ebony Maw and Dr. Strange, and Wan, and Tony Stark and Dr. Banner versus one of the other large Hench men of Thanos. Ebony Maw tries to take the Infinity Stone from Dr. Strange, but a spell protecting the stone burns his hand.
Dream Symbols:
Dr. Strange, Wan, Tony Stark, and Dr. Banner walk outside, see space ship:
The Conscious Mind aspects which represents arcane knowledge and wisdom, reasoning, and controlled strength enter the subconscious mind, and see a group organization thoughtform which is traveling down from the higher levels of mind into the Subconscious Mind.
Dr. Strange does a spell to stop dust and wind from the space ship:
The active conscious aspect of self which masters arcane wisdom, uses his understanding of the mystery teachings to control life force and breath to sill the mind, from the invasion of consciousness happening from the negative group consciousness.
Dr. Banner tries to bring out Hulk, but Hulk refuses:
The conscious aspect of controlled strength tries to contact the active Super Conscious aspect of pure raw strength but is not able to entrain with this higher aspect and loses the connection to the higher self.
Tony tells Dr. Banner that he is making him look bad in front of the wizards:
The conscious reasoning aspect of self, is questioning why the conscious aspect of controlled strength is not able to entrain and connect to the higher self, represented by the active Super Conscious which is pure raw strength.
Dr. Strange teleports Dr. Banner to the park to safety:
Due to the active conscious aspects in ability to connect with the higher self, the aspect of conscious arcane wisdom, transports this nonfunctioning aspect of self to a safe state of Subconscious Mind.
Ebony Maw comes down and asks Dr. Strange for Time Gem:
the negative conscious aspect of self, which focuses on the negative spiritual path of “Service to Self, enters the subconscious mind and asks the positive active conscious aspect of self which represents knowledge of the arcane to give him the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of how to manipulate the experience of time in all levels of mind.
Dr. Strange refuses and a massive battle happens:
The positive Conscious aspect which represents arcane knowledge and wisdom, refuses to give in to the conscious negative aspect of self, which uses the mystery school teachings for “Service for Self” ways. The two conscious aspects of self-begin to battle within the Subconscious Mind.
Ebony Maw’s hand gets burned trying to take the Time Gem from Dr. Strange:
The negative conscious aspect which uses arcane knowledge for “Service for Self”, thinks its purpose is strong enough to take the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding from the positive conscious aspect which uses arcane knowledge and wisdom, for “Service to Others”. The purpose of the negative aspect is then damages and prevented from obtaining the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding for its own use.
Scene 5)
Peter Parker is riding in his school bus when he’s spider senses go off. He has his friend cause a distraction, and he sneaks off the school bus. Where upon he puts on his suit and goes to where Tony Stark and Dr. Banner are fighting the Henchman of Thanos, Corvus Glaive. They finally kill the henchman and Iron Man tells Spider Man to save the wizard. Spider man follows Dr. Strange up to the circular ship. Tony Stark follows after him and activates Spider Man’s “Iron Spider” suit. They both reach the ship and get inside.
Dream symbols:
Peter Parker / Spider Man:
An active conscious aspect of self, that weaves intricate patterns of thought with “Akasha” (Mind-Substance), designed to help other aspects of self be safe and self-aware. This aspect of self is in its final development stages, and is testing its abilities of intuition, judgement and understanding to aid the other active conscious aspects of self that use reasoning and the physical brain. This conscious mind aspect would be represented in the Super Conscious Mind as Achilles, who received his armor from Hephesaestus, and was only vulnerable on his “Achilles heel”. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achilles)
School Bus:
A body for a group organization which focuses on learning about the self.
spider senses go off:
The conscious aspect of self that uses intuition and judgement, is receiving information and thought impressions of danger to all levels of mind.
Spider Man’s side kick causes a distraction:
An active conscious aspect of self, which aids the other conscious aspect of self that uses intuition and judgement. This aspect of self creates a mental distraction towards the other minds in the group organizational body. This allows the conscious aspect of self that uses intuition and judgment to into enter the Subconscious Mind, and the path of life to gain experience for the growth of self.
Spider Man sneaks off bus:
The conscious aspect which uses judgement and intuition leaves the group consciousness which focuses on learning about the self, and travels by use of thought forms it has created which create freedom, allowing him to travel above the path of life, and in between large states of mind.
Corvus Glaive:
A negative conscious aspect of self that uses unrestrained strength for purposes of violence, in “Service to the Self”. This negative aspect is connected to the negative group consciousness that is planning to transform all aspects on all levels of mind for selfish purposes. This aspect is a personification for the Super Conscious primordial archetype of Menoetius. “His name means "doomed might," deriving from the Ancient Greek words menos ("might, power") and oitos ("doom, pain"). Hesiod described Menoetius as hubristic, meaning exceedingly prideful and impetuous to the very end. From what his name suggests, along with Hesiod's own account, Menoetius was perhaps the Titan god of violent anger and rash action.”
Dr. Banner / Iron Man fighting Corvus Glaive:
The positive aspects of controlled strength and reasoning, are fighting against the other negative aspect of self that uses uncontrolled strength with violence.
Iron Man tells Spider Man to save the wizard:
The positive aspect of reasoning communicates to the other positive aspect of self that uses intuition and judgement to assist the positive conscious aspect which is a master of arcane knowledge and wisdom.
Spider man follows Dr. Strange up to the circular space ship:
The positive conscious aspect of intuition and judgment follows the positive conscious aspect which is arcane knowledge and wisdom to the body of negative group consciousness, which takes it to large foreign levels of mind.
Iron man follows Spider Man to space ship:
The positive conscious aspect of reasoning follows the other positive conscious aspect which is intuition and judgement, to the body of the negative group consciousness.
Iron Man gives Spider Man the “Iron Spider” suit:
The positive conscious aspect of reasoning, acts as the Super Conscious archetype of Hephaestus, by giving the other positive conscious aspect of intuition and judgement an outer expression of protection, security and defense. This connects this positive conscious aspect with the Super Conscious archetype of Achilles.
They both reach the space ship and get inside:
Both positive conscious aspects of intuition, judgement and reasoning, reach the body of the negative group consciousness to do battle and save the positive conscious aspect of arcane wisdom from being overtaken and misused by the negative conscious aspect of arcane wisdom for “Service to Self”.
Scene 6)
Iron Man and Spider Man, walk around trying to find Dr. Strange. The come upon Dr. Strange’s Magick cloak of levitation. The find Ebony Maw trying to take the Time Gem from Dr. Strange by breaking his mind. Spider Man comes up with an idea to open the door of the ship and shoot the alien into outer space. Iron Man causes a distraction, which draws Ebony Maw’s attention. Then while he is not looking, spider man opens the door to outer space which sucks out Ebony Maw, and spider man catches Dr. Strange. They then shut the door and Ebony Maw dies. The three of them argue among themselves as to what they should do. Tony wants to go to the alien home planet and bring the fight to them there. Dr. Strange wants to go back to earth to protect the Time Gem. They both agree that it is only a matter of time before Thanos finds the Time Gem anyways, and that it is better to fight where there would be less human casualties. Tony Stark then Knights Spider Man and makes him an official Avenger.
Dream Symbols:
Iron Man and Spider Man try to find Dr. Strange:
The positive conscious aspect of intuition, judgement, and reasoning tries to connect with the positive conscious aspect of arcane knowledge and wisdom.
They find Dr. Strange’s cloak of levitation:
During the search for connection, they encounter an outer expression of this conscious aspect of self, which grants freedom.
Ebony Maw is trying to break Dr. Strange’s Mind, to take Time Gem:
The negative conscious aspect of self which uses arcane knowledge for “Service to Self”, tries to use his tools for transformation to transform the positive conscious aspect of self of arcane wisdom, to acquire its knowledge and use of the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding to manipulate the experience of time on all levels of mind.
Spider man comes up with plan to push Ebony Maw out airlock of ship:
The positive conscious aspect of self which is intuition and judgement, uses his ability to of imagination to weave a plan to transform the negative conscious aspect of arcane knowledge, by shoving this aspect out of the current state of mind, and into the unconscious mind, thus removing all of its life force and thought energy.
Iron man creates distraction, while Spider Man pushes Ebony Maw into outer space:
The positive conscious aspect of reasoning, tries to reason with the negative conscious aspect of arcane knowledge, but this is only to distract it, from the other conscious aspects of self that push the negative conscious aspect of self, out of the current state of mind, and into the vast unconscious mind, thus removing all its though power.
Iron Man, Dr. Strange, and Spider Man argue over where to go:
The three positive conscious aspects of self which represent intuition, judgement, reasoning, and arcane knowledge and wisdom, all communicate together in an aggressive way, to determine their current path on the course of life.
Iron Man wants to go to Alien home world to fight Thanos there:
The positive aspect of reasoning wants to go to an extremely foreign state of mind, in order to confront and battle the negative conscious violent aspect of self. This would keep other massive group aspects of self from being transformed violently and disrupted, in the process.
Dr. Strange wants to go to earth to protect Time Gem:
The positive conscious aspect of self which uses arcane knowledge and wisdom, wants to go back to a familiar state of mind, to protect the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of how to manipulate the experience of time, on all levels of mind.
Both agree to go to Titan:
Finally, the multiple group aspects of self which are on the hero’s journey, decide to travel into the unknown kingdom of the Negative violent conscious aspect of self. This state of mind, is so foreign to the groups aspects of self, that is seems alien.
Iron Man Knights Spider Man to become a full avenger:
The positive aspect of self that uses reasoning, initiates the positive aspect of self that uses intuition and judgement into being a fully developed conscious aspect of self for the use of reasoning, intuition, judgement and will power. This aspect is then initiated into the group aspect of self that focuses on the hero’s journey.
Scene 7)
The Vision and the Scarlet Witch are in Scotland and talking about their relationship, and as they are walking downtown, they see a news event on tv that shows what is happening in New York. Just then, two of Thanos’s Hench men the Black Order and Proxima Midnight attack Vision and try and pry the Infinity Stone from his head where his 3rdEye is. The Scarlet Witch uses her powers to fight them off, and both are beaten back and almost overpowered. Just then from the shadows, Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon come to their aid and help to defeat the Hench men, and their leader who is a warrior woman. They decide to regroup at the Avengers headquarters where War Machine is at. They all decide to go to Wakanda to talk to the Black Panther, to get the “White Wolf” Winter Soldier out of stasis.
Dream Symbols:
The Vision:
A positive conscious aspect of self which has a Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of how to use all levels of Mind, through the use of the 3rdeye. This aspect has mastered the use of Kundalini energy and imaged thought. Vision is a personification of the Super Conscious archetype Mercury, who is eloquently spoken, is able to negotiate between conflicts, is the barer of messages, and is associated with travel, and technology. He was gifted with the Caduceus staff which is a magickal staff that opens vortexes and represents the Kundalini energy. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, he was able to lift Thor’s hammer as proof of his worthiness. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_(mythology))
Scarlet Witch:
A positive subconscious aspect of self, which uses and harnesses Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the use of Mind on all levels. This aspect of self, has developed the ability of life force energy and telekinesis. Scarlet Witch is the personification of the Super Conscious archetype of Hecate, who is the Goddess of witchcraft and sorcery. She was the twin of Apollo, represented in the Marvel universe Hawk Eye, the “golden archer sun god”. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hecate)
Proxima Midnight (daughter of Thanos):
A negative subconscious aspect of self, which is skilled in aggressive action against other group aspects of self. This aspect is a developing idea about the self that encourages violence as a way to victory, in order to serve the Self. Proxima Midnight is the personification of the Super Conscious primordial archetype Nyx, who was the Goddess of night time and mothered the deity “Thanatos” (Death). Nyx is also the personification of chaos and darkness.
Captain America:
A positive conscious aspect of self, that put service to others first, and is honorable and devoted, to a positive life path. This conscious aspect of self is loyal to the state of mind he exists in. it is also the personification of Super Conscious archetype of Perseus, who cut the head off Medusa, and used a shield to take aim at her. Likewise, captain American uses a shield, and cuts the head off of Hydra. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perseus)
A positive conscious aspect which has the ability to use the physical body be free. Falcon is the personification of the Super Conscious archetype of Horus, who’s icon was actually a falcon. “Horus served many functions, most notably being a god of kingship and the sky.The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and royal power from deities, in this case from Horus or Ra.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horus)
Black Widow:
A positive subconscious aspect of self that is highly skilled in cunningness and ability to acquire technical information. This aspect of self is also gifted in the use of the physical body for defense and protection of its self-identity and the identity of other aspects of self. Black Widow is the Super Conscious personification of Athena who is the infertile Goddess of intelligent warfare. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athena)
War Machine:
A positive conscious aspect of self, which has the ability to use self-discipline to transform massive group aspects of self on a massive scale. This is performed by this aspect in a mechanical way. War Machine is seen as the personification of the Super Conscious archetype Enyalius, who was often seen as the God of soldiers and warriors from Ares cult. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enyalius)
White Wolf / Winter soldier:
A positive aspect of self, that relies on instincts or “street smarts” to survive. This conscious aspect is in tune with a habit of primal instincts for survival. This aspect formerly lost its purpose, in going through its ego death, and upon revival, regain an unbreakable purpose for “service to others”. This aspect is the personification of a Super Conscious archetype of the mythological Wolf in Shamanism. “The wolf is viewed as a powerful guide and teacher. the Celts, who, although retaining the associations of war, destruction and death, did not view these as evil forces. In particular, death was viewed as positive and necessary for change and rebirth to take place. Within Celtic Mythology the wolf was revered as the companion of Cerridwen, goddess of the Moon and fertility. The wolf was also one of the four sacred animals of the goddess Brighid. Further to this, the wolf has the status of being one of the totem guardians of Britain. Within Celtic belief the wolf ruled over the winter quarter of the year. From Samhain (Halloween) to Imbolc, festival of the Goddess, Brighid.”
Black Panther:
A positive conscious aspect of self, that represents the highest level of conscious authority, the warriors spirit, and intuition. This conscious aspect of self, is a personification of the Super Conscious archetype of Maahes. “Maaheswas an ancient Egyptian lion-headed god of war,[2] whose name means "he who is true beside her". He was seen as the son of the Creator god Ptah, as well as the feline goddess (Bast) whose nature he shared. Maahes was a deity associated with war, protection, and weather, as well as that of knives, lotuses, and devouring captives.“
A large state of mind which is safe, and peaceful
A foreign state of mind which is enriched and enlightened and aware of the true self. Seminomas with mythical city’s such as “El Dorado” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Dorado)
Avengers headquarters:
A state of mind which is disciplined and focused on protection of other group aspects of self.
Their relationship:
There was a harmony happening between the positive conscious aspect with Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of Mind, and the positive subconscious aspect of self that uses and harnesses Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of Mind. These two aspects are devoted to the spiritual path and learning about the higher self.
Walking down town:
These two harmonious aspects of self are walking in between different states of mind which creates harmony.
The Mind Stone:
A Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of how to manipulate and use the mind on all levels of Mind.
The area of the Mind associated with the third eye chakra in the body. This level is call “Causal Super Conscious Mind”. This is the most receptive part of the Super Conscious
The Black Order and Proxima Midnight attack Vision to get the Mind Stone:
The negative group consciousness, and negative subconscious aspect skilled in aggressive action, attack the positive conscious and subconscious aspects of self, that have the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding to use the Mind on all levels.
Scarlet Witch fights off Proxima Midnight and the black order:
The postive subconscious aspect of self which uses the Mind, is able to drive back the negative group consciousness and negative subconscious aspect of self that uses aggressive action and violence.
Scarlet Witch over powered:
After much battling, the positive subconscious aspect which uses the Mind, is overwhelmed by all the self-violence and aggressive action by the negative subconscious aspect and the negative group consciousness.
Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon come to their aid:
During this time, three group aspects of self both conscious and subconscious, which represents “Service to Others”, freedom, cunningness come to the aid of both of the harmonious aspects of self, devoted to the spiritual path.
They beat the Black Order and save Vision and Scarlet Witch:
This positive group aspect of self, drives back and defeats the negative group consciousness, and negative subconscious aspect of self, that uses aggressive action and violence.
They regroup at the Avengers headquarters:
This group aspect of self, travel in a body for an organization (“The Avengers”), to a state of mind which is disciplined and focused on protection of other group aspects of self.
War Machine helps them get to Wakanda:
The positive conscious aspect of self that uses self-discipline, helps to use the body of the positive group organization (“The Avengers”) to move in between vast and foreign states of mind.
The talk to the Black Panther to get Winter Soldier out of stasis:
This group aspect of self, uses self-discipline to communicate with the positive conscious aspect of self that uses the highest conscious authority and courageous warrior spirit, to revive the positive conscious aspect of self, which uses instincts or “street smarts”, and a strong unbreakable purpose.
Scene 8)
The scene changes and we are in outer space. The Guardians of the Galaxy are traveling in their space ship. They are listening to music, when the respond to a distress call from the Asgardian ship which has been destroyed. At this point Thor, lands on their windshield still knocked out cold. They decide to bring him on the ship and revive him. Thor is unaware of where he is, and who the Guardians are. He calls Rocket a rabbit. He tells them about Thanos and about the Infinity Stones that Thanos is after. Gamora happens to know where the Soul Gem is located, or the information to retrieve it. Thor decides to go to the realm of Nidavellir to have the dwarves forge a new “Thanos killing” weapon for him. Rocket and Groot decide to come along with Thor, to learn how to make the weapons and possibly get one for himself. The rest of Guardians decide to go to “No Where” which is the head of a dead Celestial, to meet with “The Collector” whom possesses the Reality Gem, Power Gem, and knowledge of where the Soul Gem might be. Once at “No Where” the guardians sneak into The Collectors building to find him. Where upon they see Thanos, trying to get information out of The Collector, whom is refusing to tell him anything. Gamora attacks Thanos and rams her sword through his throat. All of a sudden, Thanos disappears, and the real Thanos steps forward. He uses the Reality Gem in his gauntlet to change the environment to its true form, which reveals that everything is on fire and The Collector is already dead. Thanos captures Gamora, and Star Lord, Drax The Destroyer, and Mantis try to save her. Thanos uses the Reality Gem to transform Drax and Mantis into blocks and ribbons. Star Lord calls Thanos “Grimace”. Star Lord confronts Thanos, and threatens to kill Gamora, as she requested him to do. He pulls the trigger on his gun, and the blast turns to bubbles. Thanos tells Star Lord that he likes him. And then opens a vortex and takes his daughter Gamora and leaves.
Dream Symbols:
The Guardians of the Galaxy:
A positive group aspect of self, that uses “service to others” to protect large vast states of mind, and group aspects of self, in the higher levels of consciousness.
Star Lord:
A positive conscious aspect of self that wields Super Conscious Permanent Understandings in the Conscious Mind about the nature and use of power. This positive conscious aspect is a personification of the Super Conscious archetype Helios.“Helios was described as a handsome young man crowned with the shining aureoleof the Sun, who drove the chariot of the sunacross the sky each day to earth-circling Oceanusand through the world-ocean returned to the East at night. In the Homeric Hymnto Helios, Helios is said to drive a golden chariot drawn by steeds (HH31.14–15); and Pindarspeaks of Helios's "fire-darting steeds" (Olympian Ode7.71). Still later, the horses were given fire related names: Pyrois, Aeos, Aethon, and Phlegon.”
Drax the destroyer:
A positive conscious aspect that is extremely foreign. This conscious aspect represents the use of force, discipline and massive transformation to protect positive group aspects of self. This aspect of self is a personification of the Super Conscious archetype of Mars.” Marsthe god of warand also an agriculturalguardian, a combination characteristic of early Rome.He was second in importance only to Jupiterand he was the most prominent of the military gods in the religion of the Roman army. Although Ares was viewed primarily as a destructive and destabilizing force, Mars represented military power as a way to secure peace, and was a father (pater)of the Roman people.”
Rocket / rabbit:
A positive conscious aspect of self, that is humorous, inventive and mischievous. This aspect of self is a personification of the Super Conscious archetype of Hermes. “Hermes was the emissary and messenger of the gods. ”Hermes was also "the divine trickster"[2]and "the god of boundaries and the transgression of boundaries, ... the patron of herdsmen, thieves, graves, and heralds. In some myths, he is a tricksterand outwits other gods for his own satisfaction or for the sake of humankind. he is called "the bringer of good luck", "guide and guardian", and "excellent in all the tricks”.Also the image of a “Sweet Rabbit” is described as“It is a goddess symbol, a Trickster symbol, a symbol of the Holy Trinity, a symbol of Ego death, redemption and rebirth…all these and so much more.“
A positive Subconscious aspect of self, which represents large thought forms the grow in the Subconscious Mind, and Subconscious existence. Thought forms like plants grow in the earth which is a symbol for the depths of the Subconscious mind. In the Nordic tradition, this concept is symbolized by the Elder Futhark letter Laugaz, which means “Leek”. A Leek is a form of onion which was attributed as a magickal plant for growing and drawing power from the Subconscious mind. This aspect of self, is a personification of the Super Conscious archetype of “The World Tree”. Such “World Tree” examples are the “Etz Chaim”, or “Tre of Life” from the Jewish Kabbalistic tradition, and the Yggdrasil World tree from the Nordic tradition. There is also a connotation of Groot representing the “Tzorah” or “Strong Right arm of the Lord” as he used his own arm to form “Stormbreaker”. His innocence also places him in connection with the image of “Adam and Eve” in the “Garden of Eden”, in conjunction with the “Tree of Life” it would make Groot the “Adam Kadam” or image of the “Primordial Man” archetype. “Yggdrasil is an immense ash treethat is center to the cosmos and considered very holy.According to this interpretation, askr Yggdrasilswould mean the world treeupon which "the horse [Odin's horse] of the highest god [Odin] is bound". Both of these etymologies rely on a presumed but unattested *Yggsdrasill.”
A positive subconscious aspect of self which represents balance, justice, equality, and temperance. This aspect of self, is a personification of the Super Conscious archetype Nemesis. Nemesis appears chiefly as the avenger of crime and the punisher of hubris, and as such is akin to Atë and the Erinyes. She was sometimes called "Adrasteia", probably meaning "one from whom there is no escape"; her epithet Erinys("implacable") is specially applied to Demeter and the Phrygianmother goddess, Cybele.
A positive subconscious aspect of self which is very foreign. This aspect uses empathic abilities and understands and connects with emotions from the inner self. This aspect is a personification of the Super Conscious archetypeHypnos. Hypnos is the personification of sleep; the Roman equivalent is known as Somnus.
The Collector:
A positive Super Conscious aspect of self that collects delivers sacred and secret knowledge about Super Conscious Permanent Understandings. This aspect is a personification of the Super Conscious archetype of Prometheus. “Prometheus is a Titan,culture hero, and tricksterfigure who is credited with the creation of man from clay, and who defies the gods by stealing fire and giving it to humanity, an act that enabled progress and civilization. Prometheus is known for his intelligence and as a champion of mankind.
Grimace (Thanos):
A Super Conscious primordial archetype which represents loss from choosing the wrong path and stealing sustenance to survive. The name given to Thanos after his transformation in acquiring the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings, is almost a biblical revelation tip of the hat, to receiving a white stone with a new name written on it. “Grimace is a large purple monster first introduced in November 1971 as the "Evil Grimace". In Grimace's first appearances, he was depicted with two pairs of arms with which to steal sodas and shakes.” Grimace is a Super Conscious Primordial personification of the archetype Grendel. “Grendel is a character in the Anglo-Saxon Beowulf (AD 700–1000). He is one of the poem's three antagonists (along with Grendel's mother and the dragon), all aligned in opposition against the protagonist Beowulf. Grendel is feared by all but Beowulf. Grendel, being cursed as the descendant of the Biblical Cain, is "harrowed" by the sounds of singing that come every night from the mead-hall of Heorot built by King Hrothgar which describe the "Almighty's" creation of the earth. He is unable to bear it anymore, and attacks Heorot. Grendel continues to attack the Hall every night for twelve years, killing its inhabitants and making this magnificent mead-hall unusable.”
The Soul Gem:
A Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of using and manipulating all levels of soul, and mastery of the inner levels of self.
The Reality Gem:
A Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of the ability to manipulate and control “Akasha”, or “Mind Substance” and the fabric of reality on all level Mind.
The Power Gem:
A Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of the ability to wield and control power on all levels of Mind.
A large extremely foreign state of upper state of mind, where Super Conscious tools for transformation and protection are forged and created, to be wield by Super Conscious aspects of self.
“No Where”:
A vast extremely foreign state of mind, which is in the conception of the Super Conscious Mind. (“No Where” was a space colony which was built in the head of a dead Celestial.) This state of mind houses multiple Super Conscious group aspects of self, which represents death and transformation and resurrection.
Outer space:
An extremely vast higher state of mind level of the Subconscious Mind which is extremely foreign.
Guardian’s Space Ship “Benatar“:
A foreign body for a group or organization to travel the higher levels of mind. This group organization rescues multiple aspects of self on all levels of mind. The name of the vessel “Benatar” means “The name of Benatar gives you a clever, quick, analytical mind, but you suffer with a great deal of self-consciousness, lack of confidence, and much aloneness because of misunderstandings.”(This makes sense as Star Lord was very self-conscious when Thor shows up.)
Asgardian space ship:
A foreign body for a Super Conscious group organization, that is in a state of refuge or basic survival, after the vast massive transformation of the Super Conscious state of mind during “Ragnorok”, or the end of everything. This Super Conscious organization has been completely destroyed by the negative conscious aspect of self which uses violence and the negative collective consciousness that transforms all aspects of self in a negative way for service to self.
Guardians traveling through space in ship:
A foreign body of a group organization that rescues group aspects of self on all levels of mind, are traveling through the vast Subconscious Mind.
listening to music:
This group or organization is in a state of harmony together while traveling in the Subconscious Mind.
distress call from the destroyed Asgardian ship:
at this point, the organization that helps other aspects of self, received a telepathic communication from the other higher aspects of self, which was a Super Conscious organization that was in a state of distress from the massive transformation which happened and was forced upon them during “Ragnorok”, and the negative conscious aspect which uses violence and the negative group consciousness that transforms all aspects of self for “service to the self”.
Thor, lands on windshield knocked out cold:
At this point, the Super Conscious aspect of self which is on the “Hero’s Journey”, is in a state of the Unconscious Mind, due to lack of life force energy. At this point this aspect gains awareness into himself.
They decide to bring Thor on ship and revive him:
The organization that helps other group aspects of self on all levels of mind, helps this Super Conscious aspect on the “Hero’s Journey” by bring it into their group organization, or group consciousness.
Thor unaware of surroundings, asks who the guardians are:
At this point the organization revitalizes this Super Conscious aspect with life force, and this is done through the Subconscious Aspect of self that represents empathic abilities and emotions.
Thor calls Rocket a rabbit:
The positive Super Conscious aspect that is on the “Hero’s Journey”, mistakes the aspect of self that is humorous and inventive and mischievous as a “Sweet, Sweet Rabbit”. The “Hero” in this dream, just experienced an ego death, and the identification of a “rabbit”, is synonymous with the “Ego death, redemption and rebirth” theme.
Thor tells guardians about Thanos, the infinity gauntlet, and Infinity Stones:
The Super Conscious aspect that is on the ‘Hero’s Journey”, tells the organization that helps other aspects of self on all levels of mind, about the negative conscious aspect of self, and the negative group consciousness that is violently transforming all aspects of self, to a
“Service to Self” mindset.
Gamora knows where Soul Gem is:
The subconscious aspect of the group organization that represents justice, balance and temperance, secretly knows how to locate the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of now to use and manipulate all levels of soul, and mastery of the inner levels of self.
Thor, Rocket and Groot go to Nidavellir to get new Thanos killing weapon:
The Super Conscious aspect that is on the “hero’s Journey”, the conscious aspects of the group organization that represents inventiveness, Ego death, redemption and rebirth, as well as a Super Conscious thought form, about transforming and recreating the Self, as the “Higher Self”. For this these aspects are traveling to a very foreign state of mind in order to obtain a Super Conscious tool for transformation. This state of mind, manifests in conscious awareness.
Rocket wants to learn how to make God weapons:
During this process, the conscious aspect of inventiveness, Ego death, redemption and rebirth, wants to learn the secret inner mystery of creating Super Conscious tools for transformation. This would allow this positive aspect to also transform and become Super Conscious itself.
Guardians go to “No Where” to get Reality Gem and Power Gem from the Collector:
The rest of the group organization that helps other aspects of self on all levels of mind, goes to a vast state of mind that represents death and transformation and resurrection.
guardians sneak into The Collectors building:
the group organization that helps other group aspects of self on all levels of mind, are in a state of mind, that is controlled by the Super Conscious aspect of self that collects delivers sacred and secret knowledge about Super Conscious Permanent Understandings.
Thanos interrogating the Collector for the Soul Gem:
This group aspect sees the negative conscious aspect using violence on the Super Conscious aspect thatcollects delivers sacred and secret knowledge about Super Conscious Permanent Understandings. In order to gain knowledge of the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of how to manipulate, control and master the aspects of reality, power, and the soul or inner self. These are synonymouswith the “Light of Fire” give to humanity or the conscious mind by Prometheus.
Gamora attacks fake Thanos and almost kills him:
The subconscious aspect that represents justice, balance, and temperance, attacks the other negative conscious aspect which uses violence for “service to self”. The subconscious aspect is almost successful in transforming this negative aspect of self.
the real Thanos uses Reality Gem to reveal the true self, and environment:
at this point the negative aspect of self that uses violence, calls upon his newly gain knowledge of Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of how to manipulate reality and “Akasha”, and reveals that it is an illusion or “Maya” that this other positive group organization have been in, in this state of mind.
everything is on fire and The Collector is already dead:
The real state of mind, have been completely transformed by a rapid expansion of thought, due to the negative aspect of self, gaining knowledge of the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings, and how to use them to serve the Self. The Super Conscious aspect of self that collects delivers sacred and secret knowledge about Super Conscious Permanent Understandings, has been violently transformed by the rapid expansion of thought.
Thanos captures Gamora:
The negative conscious aspect that uses violence, captures incapacitates the subconscious aspect of self that represents justice, balance and temperance. The subconscious aspect of self that is justice, balance, and temperance, has been adapted to fit the conscious aspect of mind that uses violence for service to self.
Star Lord, Drax The Destroyer, and Mantis try to save her:
The positive conscious and subconscious aspects of self that wields Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the use of power, force, discipline, transformation, and empathy and intuition, try to save the subconscious aspect of justice, balance, and temperance.
Thanos uses the Reality Gem to transform Drax and Mantis into blocks and ribbons:
The negative aspect of self that uses violence for service to self, uses his newly gained Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of how to manipulate reality, to change the aspects of self that represents empathy, force, and self-discipline in to an altered and dysfunctional state of mind.
Star Lord calls Thanos “Grimace”:
The positive conscious and subconscious aspects of self that wields Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the use of power, gives the negative conscious aspect of self and new name or symbol by which he is recognized by the conscious mind. The naming of this aspect of self, “Grimace”, is synonymous to the “Grendel” from Beowulf, or the Biblical name “Cain”, who is driven out of the Super Conscious and Subconscious Minds, by inappropriately transforming a familiar archetype aspect of self “Able”.
Thanos uses Reality Gem to transform Star Lords blaster in to a bubble gun:
The new Super Conscious primordial archetype uses his newly gained ability to manipulate reality to change the positive conscious aspects tool for transformation in to symbols of approach and avoidance of issues in the dreamer’s life.
Thanos admires star lords spirit:
The negative Super Conscious Primordial aspect that uses violence, recognizes the positive Conscious aspects ability to also wield the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of power.
Thanos takes his daughter Gamora:
The negative Super Conscious Primordial aspect that uses violence, takes control of the Subconscious aspect that represents justice, balance and, temperance, and travels to a state of mind that is used as a body for a negative group consciousness.
Scene 9)
Meanwhile Thor, Rocket, and Groot are approaching Nidavellir. Rocket gives Thor a new robotic eye which rocket stole from a space pirate. Thor uses eye but cannot see out of it as it seems dark. Thor notices that something is wrong, as the star that powers Nidavellir’s metal forge is dead and cold. They all land on the main platform and are attacked by Eitri the last king of the giant dwarves. Once Eitri discovers that it is Thor, he tells him that Thanos came and killed everyone, and forced Eitri to forge a gauntlet out of Uru metal that could withstand the force and powers of the Infinity Stones. Eitri askes Thor why Asguard never defended them, only to find that Asguard is now gone due to Ragnorok. Eitri had both his hands maimed by Thanos and burned by the Uru metal of the forge, so as to prevent anyone else forging another glove. Eitri tells Thor that he had designed a new Hammer for him upon Odin’s request, for Thor’s coronation as King of Asguard. Now that Thor is the only one left who is royalty of Asguard, he is now King. Eitri tells Thor that in order to make the Hammer, he has to restart the forge. Thor comes up with a plan to restart the star forge, and in the process, takes the full blast of radiation from the star. He is horribly burned and is in the process of dyeing, when the Uru metal is poured into the mold for the new Thanos killing hammer “Stormbreaker”. Eitri said that he forgot the handle which Thor needs to receive his rejuvenating powers after being hit with the full strength of the star. Groot walks up to the red-hot hammer heads and uses his arm branch to pull the two pieces of the hammer together in one, and then seals it as a handle for the hammer. Groot then chops of his own arm to create the handle and gives it to Thor. Thor is then restored to full health by the power of Stormbreaker. Eitri mentions that one of the powers of Stormbreaker is the ability to summon the BiFrost Portal.
Dream Symbols:
The positive active Super Conscious aspect of wisdom. Odin is an exact personification of the Super Conscious aspect of Odin himself, or the “All-Father”. The name Odin is synonymous to the Adoni with a similar spelling in Hebrew. “Odin is associated with wisdom, healing, death, royalty, the gallows, knowledge, battle, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the runic alphabet, and is the husband of the goddess Frigg. Odin is depicted as one-eyed and long-bearded, frequently wielding a spear named Gungnir, and wearing a cloak and a broad hat. He is often accompanied by his animal companions and familiars—the wolves Geri and Freki and the ravens Huginn and Muninn, who bring him information from all over Midgard—and rides the flying, eight-legged steed Sleipnir across the sky and into the underworld.”
A positive Super Conscious aspect that forges and creates Super Conscious tools for transformation and protection of Super Conscious group aspects of self. Eitri is the exact personification of the positive Super Conscious archetype Eitri. “In Norse mythology, Eitri (or Sindri) is a dwarf and the brother of Brokkr.
According to Skáldskaparmál, when Loki had Sif's hair, Freyr's ship Skidbladnir and Odin's spear Gungnir fashioned by the Sons of Ivaldi, he bet his own head with Brokkr that Eitri would not have been able to make items that matched the craftsmanship of those mentioned above. Eitri began working in his furnace while his brother was working the bellows, but a fly (sometimes thought to be Loki himself) began stinging Brokkr, trying to stop him and spoil the items. Eitri succeeded in making the golden boar Gullinbursti, the golden ring Draupnir, and the hammer Mjöllnir that made his brother win the bet, even if its handle was shorter than it should have been.”
Uru metal forge:
“Akasha” mind substance, solidified through directed thought to such a degree that it has become impermeable.
The Mind is used to sculpt, mold and create this substance.
Dead Star:
A symbol for the light of conscious awareness that has gone out.
Thor, Rocket, and Groot get to Nidavellir:
The positive Super Conscious aspect that is on the Hero’s Journey, has traveled to a large and vast level of the Super Conscious Mind. This aspect has brought along the positive conscious of inventiveness,Ego death, redemption and rebirth. They both have a developing subconscious thought form of Super Conscious tools for transformation.
Rocket gives Thor a new eye, which is dark:
The conscious aspect of inventiveness, Ego death, redemption, and rebirth, gives the Super Conscious aspect on the Hero’s Journey, a tool for having proper perspective. This act is a personification of the Egyptian myth of “The Eye of Horus”. “One of the most common protective symbols was the Eye of Horus, which represented the new eye given to Horus by the god Thoth (Hermes) as a replacement for his old eye, which had been destroyed during a battle with Horus’s uncle Seth”
Thor notices the star that powers Nidavellir’s metal forge is dead and cold:
Through the proper perspective the Super Conscious aspect received from the conscious aspect of inventiveness, death redemption and rebirth, an awareness was gained, there has been a Super Conscious lack of awareness.
Group attacked by Eitri:
This Super Conscious group on the Hero’s journey, was challenged by the Super Conscious aspect that creates Super Conscious tools for transformation and protection of Super Conscious aspects.
Eitri tells Thor, Thanos killed everyone, and his is the last King of the Dwarves:
The Super Conscious aspect that builds tools for transformation, tells the Super Conscious aspect that is on the Hero’s journey, that the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, transformed all the other Super Conscious aspects of self, and this Super Conscious aspect was the only one to survive.
Thanos forced Eitri to forge an Uru Infinity Gauntlet to wield the Infinity Stones:
The Negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, forced the Super Conscious aspect that creates tools for transformation, to forge a new tool of “purpose”, which can wield the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings.
Eitri asked why Asguard didn’t save them:
The Super Conscious aspect which creates tools of Super Conscious transformation, asked the Super Conscious aspect that is on the Hero’s Journey, why it did not receive help from the other Super Conscious states of mind.
Asguard is now gone due to Ragnorok:
The Super Conscious aspect on the Hero’s Journey told the other Super Conscious Aspect that the former Super Conscious state of mind, no longer exists, as it has been transformed itself.
Eitri’s hands maimed by Thanos dipping them in Uru metal, to prevent another Infinity Gauntlet being made:
In the process of the Super Conscious aspect creating a tool to wield “Purpose” for the Super Conscious Primordial archetype, this aspect itself, lost both of its own purposes, due to being maimed and misused.
Odin had Eitri design new Kings hammer weapon for Thor before Odin’s death for Thor’s coronation as King of Asguard:
The former positive Super Conscious aspect which symbolized Wisdom, had the Super Conscious aspect that forges Super Conscious tools of transformation, to create a new Super Conscious tool, which had the highest authority from the Super Conscious Mind.
Thor the only royal Asgardian left, Thor is King of Asguard:
As this Super Conscious aspect on the Hero’s Journey, is the only related Super Conscious aspect left related to wisdom, this Super Conscious aspect on the Hero’s Journey, now takes up the highest authority of the Super Conscious Mind.
Eitri tells Thor, he must restart the dead star to forge the new hammer:
The Super Conscious aspect that forges tools for transformation, tells the Super Conscious aspect on the Hero’s Journey, that in order to create for him the new Super Conscious tool for transformation, he has a quest that must be accomplished, which is to bring back the light of conscious awareness this vast state of mind. This is a motif similar to the “Labors of Heracles”. “One of the Twelve Labors of the hero Heracles was to fetch some of the golden apples which grow in Hera's garden, tended by Atlas' daughters, the Hesperides, and guarded by the dragon Ladon. Heracles went to Atlas and offered to hold up the heavens while Atlas got the apples from his daughters.”
Thor restarts the Star Forge, and takes full blast of star’s power:
During the process of bringing back the light of conscious awareness to this state of mind, the Super Conscious aspect on the Hero’s Journey, took the light of full conscious awareness.
Hammer pieces are created, Groot takes his own arm to make handle to create “Stormbreaker”:
At this point, the Subconscious thought form of transformation, aided the Super Conscious aspect on the Hero’s journey by lending purpose to the Super Conscious tool for transformation. This is akin to the symbol on the Passover Seder plate of the shank bone, also called the “Tzorah”, or “The strong right arm of the Lord” which leads out of bondage.
Thor burned by star, almost dies, but is revived by his new weapon “Stormbreaker”:
Instead of transforming the Super Conscious aspect on the Hero’s Journey, it gave him full enlightenment. After this enlightenment of the Super Conscious aspect, he is given the tool for Super Conscious transformation and redemption, and rebirth.
Stormbreaker has power to summon the BiFrost:
This new Super Conscious tool for transformation, has the ability to move immediately between vast states of mind and awareness.
Scene 10)
The scene changes and the Avengers are landing in Wakanda in a Quin Jet. The Black Panther and his Wakandan Warriors all walk out to greet Captain America, Black Widow, War Machine, Dr. Banner, Falcon, Scarlet Witch and Vision. They tell Black Panther that they need to remove the Mind Gem from the Vision’s head so as to be able to destroy the stone before Thanos can capture it. Black Panther introduces them to his sister Shuri, who is like Tony Stark with her tech skills. She brings him inside her lab to start working on him. They bring out Winter Soldier who has received a new metal arm made out of Vibranium.
Dream Symbols:
the Avengers:
A positive group organization of aspect of self that help protect and support multiple group aspects of self.
A positive subconscious aspect of self, that symbolizes technology, intelligence, resurrection, and healing. This subconscious aspect is a personification of the Egyptian Goddess Isis. “Isis was a major goddess in ancient Egyptian religion whose worship spread throughout the Greco-Roman world. Isis was first mentioned in the Old Kingdom (c. 2686–2181 BCE) as one of the main characters of the Osiris myth, in which she resurrects her slain husband, the divine king Osiris, and produces and protects his heir, Horus. She was believed to help the dead enter the afterlife as she had helped Osiris, and she was considered the divine mother of the pharaoh, who was likened to Horus. Her maternal aid was invoked in healing spells to benefit ordinary people.”
landing in Wakanda:
The group aspect that helps protect other group aspects of self, lands in a state of mind that is foreign, and full of riches and wonder about spiritual knowledge of the inner self.
Quin Jet:
A physical body for the conscious group organization that helps other group aspects of self.
Black Panther and Wakandan Warrior greet Avengers:
The positive conscious aspect of self, that represents the highest level of conscious authority, the warriors spirit, and intuition, along with similar group aspects of self that protect the self, and transform negative aspects of self, group the new group aspects of self the also protect and defend multiple group aspects of self.
Avengers tell Black Panther they came for Winter soldier, and to remove Mind Stone from
One group that protects and defends tells the conscious aspect of authority and warriors spirit and intuition, that these aspects have come to revive the conscious aspect of self, that relies on street smarts, and survival instincts. This group is also wanting to remove the Super Conscious ability to control the mind and 3rdeye, before it becomes used by the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence. This is akin to closing the 3rdeye, in the chakra.
Avengers want to destroy the Mind Stone so Thanos won’t capture it:
The conscious group aspects that help and protect other group aspects, wants to destroy the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding before it becomes used by the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence.
Black Panther calls sister Shuri to remove Mind Stone:
The conscious aspect which represents the highest authority, calls upon a related subconscious aspect of intelligence, and healing to help remove the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding, and close the 3rdeye.
Shuri takes Vision and Scarlet Witch to her lab to remove Mind Gem:
The subconscious aspect of healing and intellect, along with the Subconscious aspect that knows how to wield the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of the use of the Mind and the 3rdeye, takes the conscious aspect that uses the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of the Mind and the 3rdeye, into a state of mind that is about healing and experimentation. This is akin to the myth of Isis, putting the pieces of Osiris back together again, in the resurrection of Osiris.
Black Panther brings out a healed Winter Soldier with Vibranium Metal arm:
The conscious aspect of self that represents the highest authority, brings out the conscious aspect of self that uses street smarts, and survival instincts. This aspect has been given new purpose that is unbreakable, and vibrates in harmony with the self.
Scene 11)
Thanos has Gamora on his ship and threatens to kill her sister Nebula. Gamora feels guilty because of past actions where she hurt her sister. So, she finally tells Thanos. They both travel through a portal to the planet Vormir and walk up a mountain path way and come across the guardian of the Soul Gem, who turns out to be the Red Skull, Captain Americas arch enemy. The Red Skull explains that at one time he too quested for the Infinity Stones but was not deemed worthy of its power. As a punishment he was dammed to guard the Soul Gem while never being able to use its power. The Red Skull tells Thanos, that the only way to take the Soul Gem, is by sacrificing something you love. Thanos comes to the realization that he would have to sacrifice his own daughter Gamora, whom he loved very much, although in a toxic way. Thanos throws her off a cliff and then he re-emerges in a pool of water, in possession of the Soul Gem. He captures a brief image of Gamora as a child, and she asked him “what did it cost?” Thanos says “everything.” Gamora’s soul was trapped in the Soul Gem.
Dream Symbols:
The positive subconscious aspect of self that deals with anger, depression, misery and sadness. This aspect is the personification of the Super Conscious primordial archetype Achlys. “Achlys The goddess of poisons, and the personification of misery and sadness. Said to have existed before Chaos itself.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achlys)
Red Skull / Captain Americas arch enemy:
A Super Conscious aspect that represents death and transformation. This aspect is a personification of the Super Conscious archetype Hades. “Hades was the ancient Greek chthonic god of the underworld, which eventually took his name. Hades and his two brothers, Poseidon and Zeus, drew lot] for realms to rule. Zeus received the sky, Poseidon received the seas, and Hades received the underworld, the unseen realm to which the souls of the dead go upon leaving the world as well as any and all things beneath the earth. Some myths suggest that Hades was dissatisfied with his turnout but had no choice and moved to his new realm.”
A state of mind that is sick and dead without life. The name Vormir comes from the French meaning “to vomit, to be sick, to vomit, to bring up, to belch out, to spew out, to loathe, to abhor.” This French reference to vomiting, is a nod of the hat to the “Bowels” or “Bowels of the earth”. When a ritual sacrifice is made, the stomach is cut open and the bowels are spilled out. In the Hebrew, there is a name for Hell which seemingly fits this description. “Tzoah Rotachat” or "boiling excrement”. This is also a reference to the Greek hell “Tartarus”. “TartarusIn classic Greek mythology, below Heaven, Earth, and Pontus is Tartarus, or Tartaros (Greek Τάρταρος, deep place). It is either a deep, gloomy place, a pit or abyss used as a dungeon of torment and suffering that resides within Hades (the entire underworld) with Tartarus being the hellish component. In the Gorgias, Plato (c. 400 BC) wrote that souls were judged after death and those who received punishment were sent to Tartarus. As a place of punishment, it can be considered a hell. The classic Hades, on the other hand, is more similar to Old Testament Sheol.”
Thanos has Gamora on space ship:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype that uses violence has the subconscious aspect that represents justice, balance and temperance, with in his negative group consciousness.
Thanos threatens to Kill Nebula, Gamora’s Sister:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, threatens to transform a related aspect of self that is anger, depression, misery and sadness.
Gamora tells Thanos the location of the Soul Gem out of guilt:
The subconscious aspect that represents justice balance and temperance, communicates to the Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence the state of mind that contains the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of the manipulation of the Self on all levels of mind.
Gamora and Thanos travel to planet Vormir:
The subconscious aspect of self that represents justice, balance, and temperance, accompanies the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype which represents violence to a state of mind, that is putrid from the unproductive transformation of aspects of self, for the purpose of “service to self”.
Thanos and Gamora are greeted by Red Skull, the Guardian of the Soul Gem:
As this journey in this state of mind begins, these two aspects of self, are greeted by a Super Conscious primodial archetype, which represents transformation. This aspect is the guardian of the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of mastery over the Self.
Red Skull explains he once sought the Infinity Stones, but was not worthy:
The Super Conscious primordial archetype, explains that this aspect of self once also had a desire to wield Super Conscious Permanent Understandings about the Self, but was deemed unworthy to wield them.
As punishment has to guard the Soul Gem while never being able to use it, until someone worthy takes it:
As a karmic consequence, this Super Conscious primordial archetype was forced by the higher Self to make penitence for the karma it had acquired. This was done by guarding and determining what aspect of self was truly worthy to wield Super Conscious aspects of self.
The only way to take Soul Gem, by sacrificing something you love:
The primordial Super Conscious aspect explains to the other aspects of self, that in order to obtain the power of the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding, a sacrifice of love for self must be paid.
Thanos realizes he loves his daughter Gamora:
At this point the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype realizes his love for the Subconscious aspect of himself that represents justice balance and temperance.
Thanos throws Gamora over cliff:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype transforms through sacrifice of the subconscious aspect of justice, balance, and temperance. This is akin to the story of King Agamemnon slaying his own daughter before the war of Troy. “in Aeschylus' play Agamemnon, Artemis is angry for the young men who will die at Troy, whereas in Sophocles' Electra, Agamemnon has slain an animal sacred to Artemis, and subsequently boasted that he was Artemis' equal in hunting. Misfortunes, including a plague and a lack of wind, prevented the army from sailing. Finally, the prophet Calchas announced that the wrath of the goddess could only be propitiated by the sacrifice of Agamemnon's daughter Iphigenia.”
Thanos re-emerges in a pool of water, in possession of the Soul Gem:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype, has now gone through an Ego death, and acquired the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of how to manipulate and control the Self on all levels of mind. This is happening in the middle of conscious life experience.
Thanos sees image of Gamora in Soul Gem, asks “what was the cost?”, Thanos says “Everything”:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype has the ability to see in to the inner levels of self and see former transformed aspects of self. The transformed subconscious aspect of self is now in a state of becoming a developing subconscious idea about the self. This subconscious idea, communicates to the negative super conscious primordial archetype of violence “what did it cost to acquire the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of manipulating the Self?”, the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype responds, “it cost me everything to acquire this Super Conscious Permanent Understanding.”
Scene 12)
The Scene changes and Iron man, Dr. Strange, and Spider Man land the alien ship on the planet Titan, which is Thanos’s home world. They are looking through the wreckage of the dead planet, when they stumble upon The Guardians of the Galaxy. There is Star Lord, Drax, Mantis, who all try and attack Iron Man, Dr. Strange, and Spider Man, as they think they have Gamora, and are with Thanos. The soon discover they are on the same side and begin to build a plan to stop Thanos. Dr. Strange is off in a corner floating and meditating with the Time Gem. He looked through 14,000,605 different timelines, and only found one timeline where they defeated Thanos and won, but at a heavy price. Thanos soon appears through a portal. Iron man comes out from hiding and addresses Thanos. Thanos acknowledges Iron Man and tells him about the reason why he wants the stones. Thanos uses the Reality Gem to show Iron Man his planet before the environmental disaster had struck. Thanos had warned the people in charge, that in the universe resources for survival are sparse, and that they needed to reduce the population of the planet in a humane way before it all fell apart. Thanos told Iron Man, that he is worthy to wield the Infinity Stones, because he has sacrificed the most, and has the strongest will power to do what needs to be done, which is eliminating half the population of the universe from existence, so more resources can be had for the other half of the universals populations. Iron Man asks what he plans to do after he kills off half the universe. Thanos says he will relax and watch the sun set on a new universe, one that he has created. At this point Iron Man, Spider man, Dr. Strange and the Guardians all spring their plan for a simultaneous attack on Thanos. Mantis uses her empathic abilities to put Thanos in a hypnotic sleep state. Spider Man, Iron Man and Drax attempt to take the Infinity Gauntlet off Thanos’s hand. During this happening, and enraged Star Lord comes up to Thanos while he is still in a trance and starts to ask him forcibly about Gamora. Thanos reveals that he killed her to take the Soul Gem. Star Lord gets really angry and tries to attack Thanos, which wakes him from his trance before they could get the Infinity Gauntlet off his hand. Thanos attacks the group, easily over coming them. Thanos and addresses Dr. Strange, who is sitting alone on a rock. And then crushes the necklace. Dr. Strange directly challenges Thanos, by doing a Hindu God Mundra, and splitting into thousands of multiple Dr. Strange. Thanos uses the Gauntlet to find the real Dr. Strange and focuses his attack on him. Thanos comes up to him and says that the Eye of Agamoto he is wearing is a fake. Iron Man comes in to attack Thanos, and he finally stabs Iron Man in the side with a long metal spike. Thanos is about to kill Iron Man, when Dr. Strange, offers up the Time Stone, and gives it to Thanos. Iron Man is shocked and surprised that Dr. Strange gave Thanos the Time Gem. Iron Man asked him why. Dr. Strange told him it was the only way to defeat Thanos. Thanos takes the Time Gem, and teleports to Earth.
Dream Symbols:
Iron man, Dr. Strange, and Spider Man on Planet Titan:
The positive conscious aspects of self which represents, arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, and mastery over “Akasha”, land in a foreign state mind that is extremely alien.
Iron Man, Dr. Strange, and Spider Man meet Guardians of the Galaxy:
This positive group, meets the positive conscious aspects of self which represents, Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of wielding power, force, discipline, empathic abilities, and emotions.
Both groups fight at first and then realize they are on the same team:
There is a disturbance in this foreign alien state of mind as these aspects harmonize with each other in order to work together in harmony.
begin to build a plan to stop Thanos:
this conscious and subconscious group aspects of self which represents, arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, and mastery over “Akasha”, Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of wielding power, force, discipline, empathic abilities, emotions, uses all these abilities to make a plan to stop the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype from taking the knowledge of the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding mastery of time.
Dr. Strange looks into 14 million future timelines with Time Gem, only 1 path to victory:
The positive conscious aspect that has arcane knowledge, and Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, uses this ability of mastery over time, to look into 14,000,000 possible quantum possibilities and how each one will manifest. Through use of this Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of time, this positive conscious aspect of self, found only one quantum possibility time line to act upon, which will grant victory to the positive group aspects of self.
Thanos soon appears through a portal:
At this point, the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype, teleports this this alien foreign state of mind, to acquire the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of manipulation of time.
Iron man addresses Thanos:
At this point, the positive conscious aspect of self which represents reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, addresses the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence.
Thanos reveals tells his past story, his motivation for killing half the life in the universe:
This negative Super Conscious primordial archetype tells his history and plan to transform half the group aspects of self on al level of mind, to the positive conscious aspect of reasoning, mastery over the physical brain.
Thanos says he is only worthy to wield the Infinity Stones, as he has sacrificed the most, and
has the strongest will power:
This negative Super Conscious primordial archetype, tells the positive conscious aspect of reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, that he alone is the only one worthy to wield the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings, as he alone has sacrificed the most to obtain them, and is the only aspect of self that has the will power to use them and do what needs to be done.
Thanos says he will relax while watching the sun set on a new universe, one which he created:
The positive conscious aspect of reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, asks the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, what he plans to do when he accomplishes his goal. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence responds that it will exist in a new state of mind on all levels, and watch the Super Conscious awareness go out.
Hero group springs attack on Thanos:
At this point, the conscious and subconscious group aspects of self which represents, arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, and mastery over “Akasha”, Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of wielding power, force, discipline, empathic abilities, emotions, springs into action to fight against the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence.
The avengers and guardians restrain Thanos:
Both positive conscious and subconscious group aspects of self which represents, arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, and mastery over “Akasha”, Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of wielding power, force, discipline, empathic abilities, emotions, finally are able to restrain the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence.
Mantis puts Thanos to sleep:
The subconscious aspect of empathic abilities, emotions, puts the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, into a semi-unconscious hypnotic state of mind.
Both groups almost remove the Infinity Gauntlet:
Both positive conscious and subconscious group aspects of self which represents, arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, and mastery over “Akasha”, Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of wielding power, force, discipline, empathic abilities, emotions, tries to remove the Super Conscious tool for purpose, from the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence.
Star Lord wakes up Thanos because he killed Gamora for the Soul Gem:
The positive conscious aspect of self that uses the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of wielding power, discovers that this negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence transformed the Subconscious aspect of self which represents justice, balance, and temperance, in order to acquire the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of manipulating the Self. At this point the positive conscious aspect has a negative emotion response. This revitalizes the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence.
Thanos beats most of group:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, by use of the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of manipulation of the environment, the Self, “Akasha”, and Power.
Dr. Strange sitting on a rock, addresses Thanos:
The positive conscious aspect of self which represents arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, addresses the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence.
Dr. Strange does Hindu God Mundra and goes into multiple god forms:
The positive conscious aspect which uses arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, uses a meditative Mundra to go into a Super Conscious state of mind that gives it the ability to be in multiple states of mind at once.
Dr. Strange while in god state, tries to bind Thanos with energy bands:
While this positive conscious aspect which uses arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, is in this state of mind, he uses “Akasha” to form energetic bands of binding and restraint to stop and exorcise this negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, in the current state of mind.
Thanos uses reality stone to find true Dr. Strange and send blast back to him:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, uses the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of “Akasha” and reality, to send the energetic binding back to the positive conscious aspect which uses arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time.
Thanos captures Dr. Strange, says Eye of Agamoto is a fake, and crushes it:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, tells positive conscious aspect which uses arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, that his out expression of the 3rdeye is fake. And crushes this outer expression of self.
Iron Man attacks Thanos:
At this point, the positive conscious aspect of self of reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, attacks the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence to restrain it.
Thanos stabs Iron Man in side or kidney:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence finally overpowers the positive conscious aspect of self that is reasoning, mastery over the physical brain. At this point the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, uses the positive aspects advance tool for transformation to pierce it in the vital core of its self. NOTE: “In Hebrew tradition, they were considered to be the most important internal organs along with the heart. In the Old Testament most frequently the kidneys are associated with the most inner stirrings of emotional life. But they are also viewed as the seat of the secret thoughts of the human; they are used as an omen metaphor, as a metaphor for moral discernment, for reflection and inspiration. This field of tension in metaphoric usage is resolved under the conception of the kidneys as life center. In the Old Testament the kidneys thus are primarily used as metaphor for the core of the person, for the area of greatest vulnerability.”
Dr. Strange offers Thanos Time Gem to spare Iron Man’s life:
In order to save the positive conscious aspect of reasoning and the physical brain, the positive conscious aspect of arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, offers up the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of mastery of time to the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, it he will not transform the aspect in a negative way for service to the self.
Dr. Strange set Heros on proper time line to defeat Thanos:
From this act of self-sacrifice, the positive conscious aspect of arcane knowledge and wisdom, used his Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of mastery of time, to place all the positive group aspects of self on all levels, on the proper quantum probability timeline, for victory over the shadow self.
Dr. Strange says, “there was no other way.”:
the positive conscious aspect of arcane knowledge and wisdom, tells the wounded reasoning, and physical brain, that “there was no other way to gain mastery over the shadow self.”
Scene 13)
The scene changes and we are in Wakanda again, and the Wakandan warriors are fortifying the city and evacuating as many people as they can. Dr. Banner tries to bring out the Hulk, but the Hulk still refuses. The Vision is still in Shuri’s lab and she is trying to take out the Infinity Stone or Mind Gem out of the Visions 3rdeye. All of a sudden, space ships drop down from the sky, and hordes of “Outriders” who are aliens with 4 arms, come pouring out of the ships. Wakanda puts a shield up around the city and the Wakandan armies. The outriders try to break through the shields. They even sacrifice themselves to try and break through. They begin to move to the other side of the city, where upon, Black Panther orders a small portion of the shield opened to allow only a small portion of the outriders to come through instead of attacking the city. The Outriders start to pour through the hole in the shield. War Machine and Falcon do flybys in bombing the outriders and shooting them with machine guns. Finally, the Wakandan armies start to advance and people are dying everywhere. Thanos’s army launches huge wheel like tank machines which move under the ground and pop up on the other side of the shield. Scarlet Witch who is with the Vision, is asked by him to kill him by destroying the Mind Gem, before it’s too late. She refuses. She then looks outside and sees the huge wheel tanks moving towards the city. She floats down to where the fighting is and uses her telekinetic powers to pick up the tanks and starts to smash them into one another. During the battle, Black Panthers guard Dora Milaje, Black Widow, and Scarlet Witch get thrown into a ditch by Proxima Midnight who had attacked them in Scotland. Proxima Midnight attacks Dora Milaje and Black Widow, while trying to get at Scarlet Witch. Scarlet Witch then levitates Proxima Midnight into a wheel tank that is rolling over their ditch and sheds Proxima Midnight into pieces. The hordes of outriders start to over whelm the Wakandan armies. Right at the last minute, a portal opens up outside the shield. It is the BiFrost, and Thor comes down with his hammer and kills tons of Outriders with the lighting blast from Stormbreaker. Dr. Banner says, “Your all in big trouble now!”. As the fight continues, the Avengers move out into the jungle surrounding the city of Wakanda. Thanos, steps through a portal and encounters Captain America who he punches and throws out of the way. The Scarlet Witch and the Vision are out in the Jungle and Thanos starts to walk towards them. Scarlet Witch, uses her full power to hold back Thanos, while he uses the full power of the Infinity Gauntlet to push her power back. Scarlet Witch, with her other hand, uses her power to destroy the Infinity Stone, thus killing the Vision. Thanos is compassionate towards her as he admires her strength. Thanos then uses the Time Gem to reverse time a few seconds to bring the Vision back to life, and then rips the Mind Stone from his head, killing him again. Thanos puts the Mind Stone in the Gauntlet. As he is about to snap his fingers, Thor flies down, and buries Stormbreaker in Thanos’s chest. Thor tells him that he swore he would kill Thanos. Thanos tells him, you should have aimed for my head. Thanos then snaps his fingers and kills half the population of the universe.
Dream Symbols:
A foreign state of mind which is enriched, enlightened and self aware of the true self. NOTE: at this point in the story, Wakanda is Synonymous with Mount Olympus, and the myth of the Hundred-Handers on Mount Olympus, called the “Gigantomachy”. “Gigantomachy the Giants attempt to seize "the throne of Heaven" by piling "mountain on mountain to the lofty stars" but Jove (i.e. Jupiter, the Roman Zeus) overwhelms the Giants with his thunderbolts, overturning "from Ossa huge, enormous Pelion".[67] Ovid tells that (as "fame reports") from the blood of the Giants came a new race of beings in human form. According to Ovid, Earth [Gaia] did not want the Giants to perish without a trace, so "reeking with the copious blood of her gigantic sons", she gave life to the "steaming gore" of the blood-soaked battleground. These new offspring, like their fathers the Giants, also hated the gods and possessed a bloodthirsty desire for "savage slaughter". Later in the Metamorphoses, Ovid refers to the Gigantomachy as "the time when serpent footed giants strove / to fix their hundred arms on captive Heaven". Here Ovid apparently conflates the Giants with the Hundred-Handers, who, though in Hesiod fought alongside Zeus and the Olympians, in some traditions fought against them.”
Dora Milaje:
The subconscious aspect of mental discipline, and transformation. This aspect is a personification of “Bastet” the Egyptian Cat Goddess of war. “Bastet or Bast was a goddess of ancient Egyptian religion, worshiped as early as the Second Dynasty (2890 BCE). As Bast, she was the goddess of warfare in Lower Egypt, the Nile River delta region, before the unification of the cultures of ancient Egypt.”
Wakanda warriors fortifying the city and evacuating people:
The group aspects of self that use mental discipline and transform on a large scale are strengthening the current state of mind and removing any group conscious or subconscious aspects of self away from harm of being transformed violently.
Dr. Banner tries to bring out the Hulk, Hulk refuses:
The conscious aspect of self that is controlled strength, tries once again to entrain and communicate with the Super Conscious aspect of self, that represents pure raw strength, but the connection is refused by the higher self.
Shuri still trying to remove Mind Gem from Vision:
The positive subconscious aspect of self, that symbolizes technology, intelligence, resurrection, and healing, is still trying to disconnect and remove the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of the 3rdeye, and how the minds works from the conscious aspect of self, that symbolizes the mastery of the 3rdeye and Kundalini energy.
Multiple negative group aspects of self, related to the negative group consciousness violence and aggression. The represent wild unrestrained strength and violence. NOTE: the reference to the “Outriders” having 4 hands, are a nod of the hat to the Greek myth of the “Hundred-Handers”. “Hundred-Handers were figures in an archaic stageof Greek mythology, three giants of incredible strength and ferocity that surpassed all of the Titans, whom they helped overthrow. Their name derives from the Greek ἑκατόν (hekaton, "hundred") and χείρ (cheir, "hand"), "each of them having a hundred hands and fifty heads" three Hecatoncheires became the guards of the gates of Tartarus. The Hundred-Handed-Ones are "giants" of great storms and hurricanes.”
space ships drop down from the sky, and invading hordes of “Outriders” with 4 arms approach the city:
the body for the negative group consciousness, traveled through all levels of mind in to the Subconscious mind, to invade the current state of mind, with hordes of negative aspects of self, designed to cause scatter attention, and violently transform positive group aspects of self.
Wakanda puts a shield up around the city and the Wakandan armies:
The state of mind that is enriched, enlightened and self-aware, places a mental barrier to reinforce the state of mind, and the group aspects of self, that use mental discipline and transform.
outriders try to break through the shields, sacrificing themselves:
the hordes of negative aspects of self, designed to cause scatter attention, and violently transform positive group aspects of self, tries to break through the mental barrier, through the practice of self-sacrifice.
Outriders move towards city:
The hordes of negative aspects that scatter attention, and violently transform, start to move closer towards the core state of mind of enrichment, enlightenment and self-awareness.
Black Panther orders a small portion of the shield opened to allow small number of outriders through:
The conscious aspect of highest authority, orders an opening in the mental barrier so a small portion of the horde of negative aspects can come through to distract the rest from attacking the core state of mind, to be transformed.
Outriders start to pour through the hole in the shield:
The hordes of negative aspects that scatter attention, and violently transform, start to enter the current state of mind.
War Machine and Falcon do flybys in bombing the outriders:
Through the use of freedom, the two positive conscious aspects of self, transform the negative group aspects of wild unrestrained strength and violence, on a massive scale through tools that expand and transform.
Wakandan armies start to advance and people are dying everywhere:
The group aspects of self that use mental discipline and transform on a large scale, begins to engage the negative group aspects of wild unrestrained strength and violence, and transformation on a massive scale begins.
The Black Order launches huge wheel like tank machines which move under the ground and pop up on the other side of the shield:
The negative group consciousness violence and aggression, use massive tools for transformation, that can travel through the Subconscious Mind, and transform on a massive scale.
Scarlet Witch joins battle and stops tanks with super powers:
The positive subconscious aspect of self that uses Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the Mind, and life force energy, joins in the struggle between the positive and negative group aspects of self. She takes the negative massive tools for transformation and turns it on the negative group aspects of self of wild unrestrained strength and violence, thus transforming them.
Dora Milaje, Black Widow, and Scarlet Witch get thrown into a ditch by Proxima Midnight:
The three positive subconscious aspects of self that represents intelligent mental discipline, positive transformation, Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the Mind and Life Force energy, gets cast into a part of the subconscious mind that has obstacles, by the negative subconscious aspect of self that is aggressive violence.
Scarlet Witch levitates Proxima Midnight into a wheel tank and kills her:
The subconscious aspect of Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the Mind and Life Force energy, elevates and transforms the negative subconscious aspect of aggressive violence by its own large tools used for violent transformation.
hordes of outriders start to over whelm the Wakandan armies:
the negative group aspects of wild unrestrained strength and violence, starts to overwhelm the positive group aspects of self that use mental discipline and transform on a large scale.
Thor, Rocket, and Groot travel through BiFrost to Wakanda:
At this time the three Super Conscious, subconscious and conscious aspects of Ego death, redemption, rebirth, positive transformation, and subconscious existence that is on the Hero’s Journey, instantly travel through many vast levels of mind, and arrive in the state of mind that is enriched, enlightened and self-aware.
Thor uses hammer to kill Outriders with lighting blast from Stormbreaker:
The positive Super Conscious Aspect on the “Hero’s Journey”, uses his Super Conscious tool for transformation and Super Conscious Life Force energy, to transform the negative group aspects of wild unrestrained strength and violence.
Avengers move into jungle around Wakanda:
The positive conscious group aspects of self that protect and defend other positive group aspects of self, start to move out from the current state of mind, and out into the Subconscious mind, covered with dense large subconscious thought forms of existence.
Thanos, steps through portal to Wakanda:
At this point the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, travels instantly though many vast levels of mind, into the Subconscious mind, covered with dense large subconscious thought forms of existence.
Thanos battles Captain America, and defeats him:
The positive conscious aspect of self, honorable, devoted, and service to others, does battle with the Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, and the positive conscious aspect is over powered and put into a state of unconscious mind.
Thanos uses Infinity Gauntlet to defeat rest of Avengers:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, uses his purpose, and wields the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the environment, Self, “Akasha”, Power, and time, to beat back the positive conscious group aspects of self that protect and defend other positive group aspects of self.
Thanos battles Scarlet Witch, who drives him back with her super power:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, finally has a battle of will against the positive subconscious aspect of self, that uses Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the Mind, and life force energy, but is temporally driven back.
Thanos has to use Infinity Gauntlet to counter Scarlet Witch’s raw super power:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, uses his purpose to counter the positive subconscious aspects raw power and force of will.
Scarlet Witch destroys the Mind Gem, and kills Vision in the process:
Through the positive subconscious aspects raw power and force of will, she is able to destroy the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of mastery of the mind, and along with it, transforming the positive conscious aspect that uses this Super Conscious Permanent Understanding, and the 3rdeye.
Thanos reverses time and brings Vision and the Mind Stone back to life:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, through his use of the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of mastery of time, is able to reverse time, and reforms the positive conscious aspect that uses this Super Conscious Permanent Understanding, and the 3rdeye.
Thanos rips the Mind Gem out of Visions 3rdeye, killing him again:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, takes the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of mastery of the mind and violently transforms the positive conscious aspect that uses this Super Conscious Permanent Understanding, and the 3rdeye for the second time.
Thanos puts Mind gem in Infinity Gauntlet:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, has now acquired the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of mastery of the mind, and is now all powerful, and can do as he wills for “Service to Self”.
Thor attacks Thanos using Stormbreaker and hits him in the heart:
The positive Super Conscious Aspect of self that is on the “Hero’s Journey”, uses his Super Conscious tool for transformation, and hits the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence his core.
Thanos says “you should have aimed for my head”:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, says, “you should have attacked my Mind, instead of my Heart.”
Thanos snaps his fingers, and kills half the people in the universe:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, uses his negative Super Conscious purpose, and transforms half the group aspects across all levels of Mind.
Thanos opens portal and watches sun set on a renewed planet Titan:
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, instantly travels to a new extremely foreign state of mind that is very alien. This archetype watches the Super Conscious awareness slowly fade, on all states of mind.
Scene 14)
At this point half the Avengers start to fade way into dust. Including, the Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Winter soldier, Falcon, War Machine, and Groot. Before Groot dies, he calls out to Rocket, and calls him “Dad”. The Scene changes to the planet Titan, Spider Man’s spider senses pick up that something is definitely wrong. He says “Mr. Stark I don’t feel so good.” He then holds on to Tony Stark as he begins to fade to dust. At this point Drax, Star Lord and Mantis turn to dust and fade away. Tony Stark looks at Dr. Strange, who tells him “we are in the end game now.” This left Tony Stark stranded on the planet Titan all alone.
Dream Symbols:
Avengers start to fade way into dust:
At this point half of the conscious group aspects of self, begin to transform.
Winter soldier turns to dust:
The positive conscious aspect of street smarts and survival instinct becomes transformed
Black panther turns to dust:
The positive conscious aspect of highest inner authority, and warrior spirit become transformed.
Scarlet witch turns to dust:
The positive subconscious aspect of using Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the Mind, and life force energy becomes transformed
Falcon turns to dust:
The positive conscious aspect of freedom.
War machine turns to dust:
positive conscious aspect of self-discipline, and massive positive transformation is transformed.
Groot calls Rocket “Dad” before turning to dust:
The positive transformation, and subconscious existence, identifies the conscious aspect of Ego death, redemption and rebirth, its inner authority. And then begins to transform.
On planet Titan:
Attention is then placed on a vastly foreign and alien state of mind that is hostile.
Spider man senses something is wrong:
The positive conscious aspect that has mastery over “Akasha” and intuition, begins to sense something is wrong on all levels of Mind.
Spider man doesn’t feel well, and hold on to Iron Man:
This positive aspect begins to lose Life Force, and tries to use purpose to hold onto reasoning and the physical brain
Spider man says he is sorry and then fades to dust:
The positive conscious aspect that has mastery over “Akasha” and intuition, says it is sorry for transforming before being ready, and then finally transforms.
The guardian of the galaxy starts to turn to dust:
The positive conscious group aspects of self that protect the group aspects of self, on all levels of mind, become transformed.
Dr. Strange looks at Iron Man and says, “we’re in the end game now”, and then turns to dust:
The arcane knowledge, and wisdom, says, “We are close to our goal of victory over the shadow self now”, and then is transformed.
Tony Stark stranded on the planet Titan all alone:
The positive conscious aspect of reasoning, and the physical brain, is left stranded alone, in a vastly foreign, dead, and extremely alien state of Mind.
Scene 15)
At the end of the credits, Maria Hill and Nick Fury are driving downtown New York, when they start to see traffic jams as no one is driving half the cars on the street, and all of a sudden, helicopters and planes start crashing out of the sky. Maria Hill starts to turn to dust before Nick Furies eyes. He runs to the back of the vehicle and pulls out a brief case which has an old school pager in it. As Nick Furry starts to fade to Dust, he activates the pager, summoning Mrs.Marvel from outer space to come to humanities aid.
Dream Symbols:
Maria Hill:
A positive subconscious aspect of strategic massive transformation.
personification of the Super Conscious archetype “Minerva”.
“Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom and strategic warfare, although it is noted that the Romans did not stress her relation to battle and warfare as the Greeks would come to, and the sponsor of arts, trade, and strategy.”
Nick Fury:
A positive conscious aspect which represents freedom of will.
this aspect is a personification of the roman Super Conscious archetype “Jupiter”.
“Jupiter is usually thought to have originated as a sky god. His identifying implement is the thunderbolt and his primary sacred animal is the eagle, which held precedence over other birds in the taking of auspices and became one of the most common symbols of the Roman army (see Aquila). The two emblems were often combined to represent the god in the form of an eagle holding in its claws a thunderbolt, frequently seen on Greek and Roman coins. As the sky-god, he was a divine witness to oaths, the sacred trust on which justice and good government depend. Many of his functions were focused on the Capitoline Hill, where the citadel was located. He was the chief deity of the early Capitoline Triad with Mars and Quirinus. In the later Capitoline Triad, he was the central guardian of the state with Juno and Minerva. His sacred tree was the oak.”
a positive Subconscious aspect of self which represents, freedom, divine strength, precognitive 6th sense, and power of conscious or cosmic awareness. also associated with the supernal fire or light of awareness, expansion and transformation. This aspect of self is a personification of the Super Conscious archetype of “Libertas”.
“Libertas as a deity usually took the form of a Goddess. A temple to Her on the Aventine Hill in Rome was dedicated around 238 BCE. Sometimes She merged with the chief Roman God Jupiter, in the form of Jupiter Libertas, whose feast was celebrated on April 13. Libertas also was closely associated with the Goddess Feronia, and some viewed them as aspects of the same Goddess, including the Roman scholar Varro, a contemporary of Cicero. Feronia is thought to have been originally an ancient agricultural and fire Goddess among the Etruscan and/or Sabine peoples. During the Roman Republic, Feronia's feast day was November 13. She was honored in central Italy as the Goddess of freedwomen and freedmen, and She was associated with the granting of freedom to slaves. Part of the passage from slavery into freedom in Roman society involved having the head ritually shaved, being ceremonially tapped by a magistrate with a rod, called a vindicta, and then wearing a cap, known as a pilleus, to symbolize freed status.
The Roman religion had a large and complex pantheon with a great assortment of Goddesses, Gods, and other sacred forms. Ancient Romans revered and deified certain values, known as Virtues, and Libertas was one of the most important of these. A few of the more than two dozen other private and public Virtues were Hope (Spes), Justice (Justica), Piety (Pietas), and Courage (Virtus). According to their religion, Roman citizens were to uphold Virtues in their personal lives as well as in the culture as a whole”
driving downtown New York:
the conscious and subconscious aspects of self that represents strategic massive transformation, and freedom of will, are traveling on the road of life, in a familure state of mind.
they start to see traffic jams, cars are empty on road:
all of a sudden, the path of life becomes blocked. The aspects of self that are in control of the physical body on the path of life are now transformed and gone. The empty bodies of self, are stopped and now blocking the forward path of life.
airplanes and helicopters fall out of the sky because people turned to dust:
physical bodies for organizations and group consciousness, are now transformed and empty and have lost their freedom and crashing down into other states of mind.
Maria Hill turns to dust:
The positive subconscious aspect of strategic massive transformation, now begins to become transformed and fades away.
Nick Fury goes to trunk of car, pulls out briefcase with advanced pager:
The positive conscious aspect which represents freedom of will, sees with proper perspective what is going on, and pulls out a tool for telepathy from the physical body.
Nick Fury summons Mrs.Marvel:
The positive conscious aspect which represents freedom of will, telepathically summons, the positive Subconscious aspect of self which represents, freedom, divine strength, precognitive 6th sense, and power of conscious or cosmic awareness.
Nick Furry turns to dust:
The positive conscious aspect which represents freedom of will, then becomes transformed and fades away.
Deeper insight into some of the dream symbols, and Jungian archetypes:
“The power of the 8 Siddhis”
Whew! That was a lot of typing. I wrote that mostly from memory but had to look up a few names on line.
Something to think about with the Infinity Gauntlet and stones, even though they are “McGuffins”, the actually represent a very powerful subconscious image. The Infinity Gauntlet represents the physical body which has the “purpose” of housing and wielding the Infinity Stones which symbolizes Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of how to wield the Chakras in the body and all levels of mind. The Gauntlet would be the root chakra, and the rest of the stones make up the rest of the chakras in order. The Infinity Stones, since they are gem stones, are also Super Conscious Permanent Understandings, which are akin to the Hindu Yogis concept of the “Power of the 8 Siddhis”. These are listed as follows by
“Sindhis are spiritual, paranormal, supernatural, or otherwise magical powers, abilities, and attainments that are the products of spiritual advancement through sādhanāssuch as meditationand yoga. The term ṛddhi(Pali: iddhi, "psychic powers") is often used interchangeably in Buddhism.
Abilities such as flying through the air, walking through solid obstructions, diving into the ground, walking on water and so forth are performed by changing one element, such as earth, into another element, such as air. The individual must master kasinameditation before this is possible. Dipa Ma, who trained via the Visuddhimagga, was said to demonstrate these abilities.
Eight primary siddhis
The eight classical siddhis (Ashta Siddhi) or eight great perfections are:
• Aṇimā: reducing one's body even to the size of an atom
• Mahima: expanding one's body to an infinitely large size
• Garima: becoming infinitely heavy
• Laghima: becoming almost weightless
• Prāpti: ability to be anywhere at will
• Prākāmya: realizing whatever one desires
• Iṣṭva: supremacy over nature
• Vaśtva: control of natural forces
• "kāma-avasayitva": complete satisfaction (It is mentioned is some texts”
· https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siddhi
The attainment of the “Power of 8 Siddhis” are symptoms of a Self, who has gained mastery over the inner and outer self and is nearing the point of ascension and enlightenment. The desire of obtaining these powers, often disqualifies one from obtaining them. they are meant to form and a natural progression and extension of the Self coming into enlightenment. In this “Dream”, Thanos - the Negative violent aspect which represents the negative group consciousness of the Black Order, is taking these Super Conscious Permanent Understandings by force, thus violating cosmic and karmic laws.
Thor’s Gauntlet “Járngreipr”
Also note that there is a connection between the Infinity Gauntlet and the Nordic myth of Thor’s Gauntlet “Járngreipr”. This is what Wikipedia has to say about this myth:

“In Norse mythology, Járngreipr (Old Norse"iron grippers") or Járnglófar ("iron gauntlets"[1]) are the iron gloves of the god Thor. According to the Prose Edda, along with the hammer Mjölnirand the belt Megingjörð, Járngreipr is one of Thor's three crucial possessions. According to chapter 20 of the book Gylfaginning, he requires the gloves to handle his powerful hammer. The reason for this may come from the forging of the hammer, when the dwarf working the bellows was bitten in his eye by a gadfly(commonly held to be Lokiin disguise) which caused the handle of the hammer to be shortened.” - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Járngreipr
If you will recall, during the scene in which Thor, Rocket and Groot, were at Nidavellir, there was a copy of the cast made for the Infinity Gauntlet. During the scene in which Thor’s Hammer “Stormbreaker” was being forged, Eitri was not able to find a handle for Thor’s new “King weapon”, which is why Groot had to sacrifice his arm, or “purpose” to form the hammer. I believe this is a direct Subconscious tie in, to Thor’s Gauntlet, and wielding the power of Super Conscious Permanent Understandings about transformation of the self. As we seen in “Thor: Ragnorok” and “Avengers: Infinity War” he goes through many Ego deaths during his path on the Hero’s Journey.
The plot of Thanos
In this movie, Thanos veers from the comic book story of wanting to court death. He instead, tells Tony Stark, that the universe is too over populated, which means there is not enough resources to go around for everyone. The twist of irony is, he actually holds the ability to change that in his hands, and not for a negative way. He could have chosen the path of light, by using the reality stone to create technology’s and planets of massive abundance for all. Instead he chose the path of “Service to Self”, that relies on the predator’s mind set of eat or be eaten. People who are in the UFO Disclosure community know exactly what I am about to say. This plot was not just cooked up overnight or pulled out of thin air. There is actually a real group out there which is planning this exact thing, right under everyone’s noses. In the Disclosure community we call this negative group that “Service to Self” the Cabal. You probably know them as the Illuminati. These people are the ones who control multinational corporation and are the “Titans” of industry. And they have been cooking up this plan for a long time.
Georgia Guidestones:
There is a place in the state of Georgia that has a Stone Hinge type site. This site was created in secret back in 1979.the stones are made out of granite which is the same thing the Egyptian pyramids are made out of, so they are built to last. On these stones, are inscriptions that have been nick named “The ten Commandments of the Anti-Christ”. This below, is a list of what these stones say.

A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.
1) Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2) Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3) Unite humanity with a living new language.
4) Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5) Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6) Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7) Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8) Balance personal rights with social duties.
9) Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10) Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Think that this is all just fiction now? The ones that I have underlined, have some hidden unspeakable possibilities. Much like Thanos the “Mad Titan (of industry)” did in Infinity War, wiping out half the population of the universe.
So how does this group, called the “Cabal”, plan to do this? Well they already are. By weaponizing our food, water, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and much more, to latterly attack our bodies from within. Then to actively suppress free energy, which they have been secretly sitting on since at least the 1950’s. Its my opinion, that the image of the Infinity Stones and the Infinity Gauntlet, represents the massive amounts of suppressed technology that the Cabal has used your tax payer dollars for. We are talking about $100,000,000,000,000 in missing money from our GDP, stock market, and economy that has been drawn out since at least the 1950s, if not before then. you see for the “Cabal”, it’s bad for business, and bad for their Sumerian Deity religion they follow, and bad for their agenda, stated right there on the Georgia Guidestones. The people in this group, are also master black magicians. Much like Ebony Maw in the movie.
Their magic works, by putting symbols and plans out into the public eye, and the public sees it, and then doesn’t realize they were just “downloaded” with “virus program” for self-destruction. By people passively watching and ignoring these symbols and plans that they put in advertising, movies, music, books, video games and comic books, it seeds these ideas into the Collective Conscious Mind. This passive attitude towards the symbols and programming they put out, is a karmic loop-hole they use to enable them to have the magical authority to do this, without karmic repercussions. If you noticed, this whole them of wiping out half or more of humanity was put into the movie as an important plot. Someone out there is wanting the public to wake up and take notice. It was a pretty blatant message.
Dr. Strange and the number 14,000,605
If you are a Metaphysician, and especially a Kabbalist, numbers tend to stick out to you. For me, I suck at math. However, I do recognize their importance, and use it as a launching pad to dig further. I ran across a post on Quora.com that was very interesting. Here is what it says:
(quoted from Quora by Krishna Kanth)
“Each possible future can have two outcomes, Yes and No. So if the future depended upon Tony Stark it would have 2 outcomes based upon his life and death. But the greatest super villain of all time cannot be defeated just by one Avenger, it had to be a combined effort.
So considering all the superheroes in the original poster, we have 24 heroes fighting the Titan.
So each alternate fate for each hero would mean,
Log(14000605) to base 2 = 23.7399 ~ 24”
So, what is the significance of the number 24? Well that is a number that I can use my skillset of “gematria” in kabbalah for. I looked on a website for gematria and found these words with the mathematical value of the number 24, specifically.
"Abiff" in Jewish Gematria equals: 24:
a/1, b/2, i/9, f/6, f/6
"Baal" in Jewish Gematria equals: 24:
b/2, a/1, a/1, l/20
This is also a description from a numerology site, associated with number 24.
As an overview, the numerology number 24 represents a composition containing the ideas of:
“Number 24 is a blend of the vibrations of the number 2 and number 4. Number 2 relates to duality and balance, insight, partnerships and relationships, co-operation and diplomacy, and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 4 carries the attributes of hard work towards building solid foundations, practicality and organization, honesty and integrity, dependability, responsibility and inner-wisdom.”
I find it interesting that the name Abiff pops up, as in “Hiram Abiff”. Very interesting. Almost like they are purposefully leaving clues for people to find. I am not sure of who is sending the message, but I do know that it is being sent.
Full Interpretation to “Avengers: Infinity Wars”
Ok, let’s get down to the brass tacks. This is the full interpretation of Avengers Infinity Wars in “The Universal Language of Mind”. Without further ado…
Dream: “Avengers: Infinity War”
“Every dream is about the dreamer.”
Scene 1)
In the previous three days the dreamer was a part of a physical body which represents an organization of receptive and active Super Conscious aspects of self. This body helps the group consciousness through different states of mind. This Super Conscious group consciousness includes aspects of self that is on the “Hero’s Journey”, the trickster or magician, raw power and strength, and the ability to use perception to see things as they really are. At this time, the state of mind is extremely foreign.
All of a sudden, a hostile negative group aspect of the dreamer, has violently transformed group aspects of the Super Conscious Mind, or Super Conscious Thought forms on a massive level. The aspects of this negative hostile group consciousness include aspects of the use of violence and negative spiritual path of “Service to Self”. The Super Conscious aspect of the trickster and magician, secretly holds the Super Conscious Permanente Understandings about how to manipulate the environment around the dreamer. The dreamer’s active aspect of the negative group consciousness, tells the Super Conscious aspect of self which is, the trickster and magician, to give it the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding, of how to manipulate his own environment on all levels of mind. The Super Conscious aspect of the Magician, calls the other Super Conscious aspect which represents raw power and unrestrained strength to fight back against the aspect of negative group consciousness, to keep it from learning the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of manipulating the environment on all levels of mind. The aspect of the negative group consciousness, then over powers the Super Conscious aspect which represents raw power and strength and causes this Super Conscious aspect to become unconscious.
The dreamer’s aspect of Super Conscious mind which represents courage, power, and protection, and the “Hero’s Journey” is trapped by the negative group aspect. This negative aspect uses mind substance which is very strong by use of will power to restrain the Super Conscious aspect from acting. The negative aspect, is threatening to violently transform this Super Conscious aspect with its purpose of acquiring the Permanent Understanding of how to manipulate the environment to his liking on all levels of mind. The dreamer’s Super Conscious aspect of guile and wizardry, finally surrenders the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of manipulating the environment on all levels of mind, in order to save the Super Conscious aspect of courage, strength, power, and the “Hero’s Journey”.
The negative conscious aspect of self that uses violence, has a Super Conscious tool which uses Super Conscious purpose, to harness the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings for one’s own will and desire. The Super Conscious aspect of the trickster, attempts to violently transform the leader or chief thought form, of the negative group aspect of self. This Super Conscious aspect uses his tools for transformation, but they are not enough to overcome the negative group consciousness. The head conscious aspect of the negative group consciousness, transforms the Super Conscious aspect of the trickster, by removing its life force or thought energy.
The dreamer’s Super Conscious aspect which has the ability of preceptive sight, calls out to the Super Consciousness which is the Creator of all, to summon the final power to open a portal between foreign states of mind, to transfer the Super Conscious aspect which represents pure unrestrained strength, and is unconscious, back to a state of mind which is not foreign to it. The head aspect of the negative group consciousness, violently transforms the Super Conscious aspect with true perception of the self, in retaliation for transporting the other Super Conscious aspect out of the current state of mind, to safety, and to warn other conscious aspects of the dreamer that a dangerous thought form is emerging from the inner levels of mind.
The negative violent aspect of the negative group consciousness, uses his Super Conscious tool for purpose to harness the power of the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of manipulating the environment on all levels of mind. The Negative violent aspect of the negative group consciousness, then uses the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding to move between different states of mind.
Scene 2)
The dreamer is now in a different state of mind that is a store house for arcane knowledge and wisdom. In this state of mind there are two conscious aspects of self that represents the use of arcane knowledge to know the self, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, for the purpose of “Service to Others”, and aspect of self, which aids the other main aspect of self which uses arcane knowledge.
At this point, the Conscious aspect of controlled strength crashes down from outside this state of mind, through all three levels on mind, and into the unconscious state of mind. The two conscious aspects of self that focus on arcane knowledge in the use of “Service to Others”, becomes alerted to a malevolent thought form and group consciousness which is emerging from the inner self, to overtake the outer conscious mind.
Then the head thought form or aspect of self that is violent, and negative is on its way, now that it has gained Super Conscious mastery over manipulating the mental environment and can now move in between all levels of mind at will. This is for the purpose of transforming half of the dreamer’s aspects of self to its own liking. This is an act of “service of self, being service to others”.
Scene 3)
The dreamer is now in the Subconscious Mind, in a state that is relaxed, and all group aspects of self are communicating with one another. In this state of mind, the conscious aspect of self that represents reasoning and has mastery over the physical brain, is communicating to the subconscious aspect of self that represents reasoning faculty of mind, and the physical brain, and the wisdom. The conscious aspect is relaying that he had received a newly developing idea about the self.
At this point an energetic opening between different states of mind. The conscious aspect of self from the state of mind that houses arcane knowledge and wisdom steps through the energetic opening and tells the conscious aspect of self of reasoning and the physical brain, that this aspect is needed in the state of mind that houses arcane knowledge and wisdom. The conscious reasoning aspect of mind, travels through an energetic gateway to a state of mind which houses knowledge of the arcane mysteries, and Super Conscious thought forms.
The conscious aspect of restrained strength and control, is communicating to the aspect of reasoning conscious mind there is an imminent threat to all levels of mind. This aspect that represents controlled strength, tells the conscious of reasoning aspect about the negative violent aspect and the negative group consciousness which is emerging and gaining power on all levels of mind, and has the possibility to transform all aspects of self in a negative violent selfish way. Attention of all conscious aspects of mind, is drawn outside the current state of mind, and into the Subconscious Mind.
Scene 4)
At this point the dreamer and the Conscious Mind aspects which represents arcane knowledge and wisdom, reasoning, and controlled strength enter the Subconscious Mind, and see a group organization thought form which is traveling down from the higher levels of mind into the Subconscious Mind. The active conscious aspect of self which masters arcane wisdom, uses his understanding of the mystery teachings to control life force and breath to sill the mind, from the invasion of consciousness happening from the negative group consciousness.
The conscious aspect of controlled strength tries to contact the active Super Conscious aspect of pure raw strength but is not able to entrain with this higher aspect and loses the connection to the higher self. The conscious reasoning aspect of self, is questioning why the conscious aspect of controlled strength is not able to entrain and connect to the higher self, represented by the active Super Conscious which represents pure raw strength. Due to the active conscious aspects in ability to connect with the higher self, the aspect of conscious arcane wisdom, transports this nonfunctioning aspect of self to a safe state of Subconscious Mind.
The negative conscious aspect of self, which focuses on the negative spiritual path of “Service to Self, enters the Subconscious Mind and asks the positive active conscious aspect of self which represents knowledge of the arcane to give him the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of how to manipulate the experience of time in all levels of mind. The positive Conscious aspect which represents arcane knowledge and wisdom, refuses to give in to the conscious negative aspect of self, which uses the mystery school teachings for “Service for Self” ways. The two conscious aspects of self, begin to battle within the Subconscious Mind. The negative conscious aspect which uses arcane knowledge for “Service for Self”, thinks its purpose is strong enough to take the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding from the positive conscious aspect which uses arcane knowledge and wisdom, for “Service to Others”. The purpose of the negative aspect is then damaged and prevented from obtaining the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding for its own use.
Scene 5)
At this time the dreamer is in a physical body which is associated with a group consciousness that focuses on learning about the self. in this group consciousness organization, is an aspect of self that weaves intricate patterns of thought with “Akasha” (Mind-Substance), designed to help other aspects of self be safe and self-aware. The conscious aspect of self that uses intuition and judgement, is receiving information and thought impressions of danger to all levels of mind.
An active conscious aspect of self, which aids the other conscious aspect of self that uses intuition and judgement. This aspect of self creates a mental distraction towards the other minds in the group organizational body. This allows the conscious aspect of self that uses intuition and judgment to into enter the Subconscious Mind, and the path of life to gain experience for the growth of self.
The conscious aspect which uses judgement and intuition leaves the group consciousness which focuses on learning about the self, and travels by use of thought forms it has created which create freedom, allowing him to travel above the path of life, and in between large states of mind. At this point a negative conscious aspect of self that uses unrestrained strength for purposes of violence, in “Service to the Self”, shows up in the Subconscious Mind. The positive aspects of controlled strength and reasoning, are fighting against the other negative aspect of self that uses uncontrolled strength with violence.
The positive aspect of reasoning communicates to the other positive aspect of self that uses intuition and judgement to assist the positive conscious aspect which is a master of arcane knowledge and wisdom. The positive conscious aspect of intuition and judgment follows the positive conscious aspect which is arcane knowledge and wisdom to the body of negative group consciousness, which takes it to large foreign levels of mind. The positive conscious aspect of reasoning, gives the other positive conscious aspect of intuition and judgement an outer expression of protection, security and defense. Both positive conscious aspects of intuition, judgement and reasoning, reach the body of the negative group consciousness to do battle and save the positive conscious aspect of arcane wisdom from being overtaken and misused by the negative conscious aspect of arcane wisdom for “Service to Self”.
Scene 6)
At this point the dreamer is traveling inside a massive group body or organization that wants to transform half the group aspects of self, for selfish purposes. Then the positive conscious aspect of intuition, judgement, and reasoning tries to connect with the positive conscious aspect of arcane knowledge and wisdom. During the search for connection, they encounter an outer expression of this conscious aspect of self, which grants freedom.
The negative conscious aspect of self which uses arcane knowledge for “Service to Self”, tries to use his tools for transformation, to transform the positive conscious aspect of self of arcane wisdom, to acquire its knowledge and use of the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding to manipulate the experience of time on all levels of mind. The positive conscious aspect of self which is intuition and judgement, uses his ability to of imagination to weave a plan to transform the negative conscious aspect of arcane knowledge, by shoving this aspect out of the current state of mind, and into the unconscious mind, thus removing all of its life force and thought energy.
The positive conscious aspect of reasoning, tries to reason with the negative conscious aspect of arcane knowledge, but this is only to distract it, from the other conscious aspects of self that push the negative conscious aspect of self, out of the current state of mind, and into the vast unconscious mind, thus removing all its though power. The three positive conscious aspects of self which represent intuition, judgement, reasoning, and arcane knowledge and wisdom, all communicate together in an aggressive way, to determine their current path on the course of life.
The positive aspect of reasoning wants to go to an extremely foreign state of mind, in order to confront and battle the negative conscious violent aspect of self. This would keep other massive group aspects of self from being transformed violently and disrupted, in the process. The positive conscious aspect of self which uses arcane knowledge and wisdom, wants to go back to a familiar state of mind, to protect the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of how to manipulate the experience of time, on all levels of mind. Finally, the multiple group aspects of self which are on the hero’s journey, decide to travel into the unknown kingdom of the Negative violent conscious aspect of self. This state of mind, is so foreign to the groups aspects of self, that is seems alien. The positive aspect of self that uses reasoning, initiates the positive aspect of self that uses intuition and judgement into being a fully developed conscious aspect of self for the use of reasoning, intuition, judgement and will power. This aspect is then initiated into the group aspect of self that focuses on the hero’s journey.
Scene 7)
The dreamer is now in a subconscious state of mind that is peaceful. In this current state of mind, two conscious and subconscious aspects of self, are communicating about their harmony and devotion to the spiritual path. The positive conscious aspect of self has a Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of how to use all levels of Mind, through the use of the 3rd eye, while the positive subconscious aspect of self, which uses and harnesses Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the use of Mind on all levels, and Life Force energy. These two aspects of self, wield the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of how to manipulate and use the mind on all levels of Mind.
All of a sudden, the negative group consciousness, and negative subconscious aspect skilled in aggressive action, attack the positive conscious and subconscious aspects of self, that have the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding to use the Mind on all levels. The positive subconscious aspect of self which uses the Mind, is able to drive back the negative group consciousness and negative subconscious aspect of self that uses aggressive action and violence. After much battling, the positive subconscious aspect which uses the Mind, is overwhelmed by all the violence and aggressive action of the negative subconscious aspect and the negative group consciousness.
During this time, three group aspects of self both conscious and subconscious, which represents “Service to Others”, freedom, cunningness come to the aid of both of the harmonious aspects of self, devoted to the spiritual path. This positive group aspect of self, drives back and defeats the negative group consciousness, and negative subconscious aspect of self, that uses aggressive action and violence. This group aspect of self, travel in a body for an organization (“The Avengers”), to a state of mind which is disciplined and focused on protection of other group aspects of self. This group aspect of self, uses self-discipline to communicate with the positive conscious aspect of self that uses the highest conscious authority and courageous warrior spirit, to revive the positive conscious aspect of self, which uses instincts or “street smarts”, and a strong unbreakable purpose.
Scene 8)
Now the dreamer is in a vastly foreign and alien state of mind, traveling in a group organization that uses “service to others” to protect large vast states of mind, and group aspects of self, in the higher levels of consciousness. Among these conscious and subconscious group aspects of self, are aspect of self that wields Super Conscious Permanent Understandings in the Conscious Mind about the nature and use of power, force, discipline, Ego death, redemption and rebirth, balance, justice, equality, temperance, empathic abilities, mastery over emotions, and a Subconscious thought form of positive tools for transformation, and subconscious existence. This group has the ability in the past to use Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of the ability to wield and control power on all levels of Mind.
This group or organization is in a state of harmony together while traveling in the Subconscious Mind. At this point, the organization that helps other aspects of self, received a telepathic communication from the other higher aspects of self, which was a Super Conscious organization that was in a state of distress from the massive transformation which happened and was forced upon them during “Ragnorok”, and the negative conscious aspect which uses violence and the negative group consciousness that transforms all aspects of self for “service to the self”.
At this point, the Super Conscious aspect of self which is on the “Hero’s Journey”, is in a state of the Unconscious Mind, due to lack of life force energy. This aspect gains awareness into himself. The organization that helps other group aspects of self on all levels of mind, helps this Super Conscious aspect on the “Hero’s Journey”, by bring it into their group organization, or group consciousness. The organization revitalizes this Super Conscious aspect with life force, and this is done through the Subconscious Aspect of self that represents empathic abilities and emotions.
The positive Super Conscious aspect that is on the “Hero’s Journey”, mistakes the aspect of self that is humorous and inventive and mischievous as a “Sweet, Sweet Rabbit”. The “Hero” in this dream, just experienced an ego death, and the identification of a “rabbit”, is synonymous with the “Ego death, redemption and rebirth” theme. The Super Conscious aspect that is on the ‘Hero’s Journey”, tells the organization that helps other aspects of self on all levels of mind, about the negative conscious aspect of self, and the negative group consciousness that is violently transforming all aspects of self, to a “Service to Self” mindset.
The subconscious aspect of the group organization that represents justice, balance and temperance, secretly knows how to locate the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of how to use and manipulate all levels of soul, and mastery of the inner levels of self. The Super Conscious aspect that is on the “hero’s Journey”, the conscious aspects of the group organization that represents inventiveness, Ego death, redemption and rebirth, as well as a Super Conscious thought form, about transforming and recreating the Self, as the “Higher Self”. For this, these aspects are traveling to a very foreign state of mind in order to obtain a Super Conscious tool for transformation. This state of mind, manifests in conscious awareness. During this process, the conscious aspect of inventiveness, Ego death, redemption and rebirth, wants to learn the secret inner mystery of creating Super Conscious tools for transformation. This would allow this positive aspect to also transform and become Super Conscious itself.
The rest of the group organization that helps other aspects of self on all levels of mind, goes to a vast state of mind that represents death and transformation and resurrection. The group organization that helps other group aspects of self on all levels of mind, are in a state of mind, that is controlled by the Super Conscious aspect of self that collects and delivers sacred and secret knowledge about Super Conscious Permanent Understandings. This group aspect sees the negative conscious aspect using violence on the Super Conscious aspect that collects delivers sacred and secret knowledge about Super Conscious Permanent Understandings. In order to gain knowledge of the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of how to manipulate, control and master the aspects of reality, power, and the soul or inner self.
The subconscious aspect that represents justice, balance, and temperance, attacks the other negative conscious aspect which uses violence for “service to self”. The subconscious aspect is almost successful in transforming this negative aspect of self. At this point the negative aspect of self that uses violence, calls upon his newly gain knowledge of Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of how to manipulate reality and “Akasha”, and reveals that it is an illusion or “Maya”, that this other positive group organization have been in, in this state of mind. The real state of mind, has been completely transformed by a rapid expansion of thought, due to the negative aspect of self, gaining knowledge of the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings, and how to use them to serve the Self. The Super Conscious aspect of self that collects delivers sacred and secret knowledge about Super Conscious Permanent Understandings, has been violently transformed by the rapid expansion of thought.
The negative conscious aspect that uses violence, captures incapacitates the subconscious aspect of self that represents justice, balance and temperance. The subconscious aspect of self that is justice, balance, and temperance, has been adapted to fit the conscious aspect of mind that uses violence for service to self. The positive conscious and subconscious aspects of self that wields Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the use of power, gives the negative conscious aspect of self and new name or symbol by which he is recognized by the conscious mind. The new Super Conscious primordial archetype uses his newly gained ability to manipulate reality to change the positive conscious aspects tool for transformation in to symbols of approach and avoidance of issues in the dreamer’s life. The negative Super Conscious Primordial aspect that uses violence, recognizes the positive Conscious aspects ability to also wield the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of power. The negative Super Conscious Primordial aspect that uses violence, takes control of the Subconscious aspect that represents justice, balance and, temperance, and travels to a state of mind that is used as a body for a negative group consciousness.
Scene 9)
The dreamer is now on the “Hero’s Quest” to find a new Super Conscious tool for Super Conscious transformation. The dreamer is joined by Super conscious, Subconscious and Conscious aspects of inventiveness, Ego death, redemption and rebirth, a thought form of Super Conscious transformation, and strength, valor, and the calling to the “Hero’s Journey”. The positive Super Conscious aspect that is on the Hero’s Journey, has traveled to a large and vast level of the Super Conscious Mind. This aspect has brought along the positive conscious of inventiveness, Ego death, redemption and rebirth. They both have a developing subconscious thought form of Super Conscious tools for transformation.
The conscious aspect of inventiveness, Ego death, redemption, and rebirth, gives the Super Conscious aspect on the Hero’s Journey, a tool for having proper perspective. Through the proper perspective the Super Conscious aspect received from the conscious aspect of inventiveness, death redemption and rebirth, an awareness was gained, there has been a Super Conscious lack of awareness. The Super Conscious group on the Hero’s journey, was challenged by the Super Conscious aspect that creates Super Conscious tools for transformation and protection of Super Conscious aspects. The Super Conscious aspect that builds tools for transformation, tells the Super Conscious aspect that is on the Hero’s journey, that the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, transformed all the other Super Conscious aspects of self, and this Super Conscious aspect was the only one to survive. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, forced the Super Conscious aspect that creates tools for transformation, to forge a new tool of “purpose”, which can wield the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings. The Super Conscious aspect which creates tools of Super Conscious transformation, asked the Super Conscious aspect that is on the Hero’s Journey, why it did not receive help from the other Super Conscious states of mind. The Super Conscious aspect on the Hero’s Journey told the other Super Conscious Aspect that the former Super Conscious state of mind, no longer exists, as it has been transformed itself. In the process of the Super Conscious aspect creating a tool to wield “Purpose” for the Super Conscious Primordial archetype, this aspect itself, lost both of its own purposes, due to being maimed and misused.
The former positive Super Conscious aspect which symbolized Wisdom, had the Super Conscious aspect that forges Super Conscious tools of transformation, create a new Super Conscious tool, which had the highest authority from the Super Conscious Mind. As this Super Conscious aspect on the “Hero’s Journey”, is the only related Super Conscious aspect left related to wisdom, this Super Conscious aspect on the “Hero’s Journey”, now takes up the highest authority of the Super Conscious Mind.
The Super Conscious aspect that forges tools for transformation, tells the Super Conscious aspect on the Hero’s Journey, that in order to create for him the new Super Conscious tool for transformation, he has a quest that must be accomplished, which is to bring back the light of conscious awareness this vast state of mind. During the process of bringing back the light of conscious awareness to this state of mind, the Super Conscious aspect on the Hero’s Journey, took the light of full conscious awareness. At this point, the Subconscious thought form of transformation, aided the Super Conscious aspect on the Hero’s journey by lending purpose to the Super Conscious tool for transformation. Instead of transforming the Super Conscious aspect on the Hero’s Journey, it gave him full enlightenment. After this enlightenment of the Super Conscious aspect, he is given the tool for Super Conscious transformation and redemption, and rebirth. This new Super Conscious tool for transformation, has the ability to move immediately between vast states of mind and awareness.
Scene 10)
The dreamer is now in a more familiar but still foreign state of mind. Within this current state of mind are positive conscious and subconscious aspects of self. These aspects represent positive group organization of aspect of self that help protect and support multiple group aspects of self, positive subconscious aspect of self, that symbolizes technology, intelligence, resurrection, and healing, and represents the highest level of conscious authority, the warriors spirit, and intuition. they are traveling in a physical body for the conscious group organization that helps other group aspects of self. The positive conscious aspect of self, that represents the highest level of conscious authority, the warriors spirit, and intuition, along with similar group aspects of self that protect the self, and transform negative aspects of self, group the new group aspects of self the also protect and defend multiple group aspects of self. The group that protects and defends tells the conscious aspect of authority and warriors spirit and intuition, that these aspects have come to revive the conscious aspect of self, that relies on street smarts, and survival instincts. This group is also wanting to remove the Super Conscious ability to control the mind and 3rd eye, before it becomes used by the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence. The conscious group aspects that help and protect other group aspects, wants to destroy the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding before it becomes used by the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence.
The conscious aspect which represents the highest authority, calls upon a related subconscious aspect of intelligence, and healing to help remove the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding, and close the 3rd eye. The subconscious aspect of healing and intellect, along with the Subconscious aspect that knows how to wield the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of the use of the Mind and the 3rd eye, takes the conscious aspect that uses the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of the Mind and the 3rd eye, into a state of mind that is about healing and experimentation. The conscious aspect of self that represents the highest authority, brings out the conscious aspect of self that uses street smarts, and survival instincts. This aspect has been given new purpose that is unbreakable and vibrates in harmony with the self.
Scene 11)
The dreamer now is in a state of mind that is a massive vehicle for the negative group consciousness that wants to use violence and aggression to transform half the group aspects of self, on all levels of mind, for selfish purposes, or “Service to Self”. In this group consciousness are aspects of anger, depression, misery, sadness, justice balance, temperance, and Super Conscious primordial archetype that uses violence. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype that uses violence has the subconscious aspect that represents justice, balance and temperance, with in his negative group consciousness.
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, threatens to transform a related aspect of self that is anger, depression, misery and sadness. The subconscious aspect that represents justice balance and temperance, communicates to the Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence the state of mind that contains the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of the manipulation of the Self on all levels of mind. The subconscious aspect of self that represents justice, balance, and temperance, accompanies the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype that uses violence to a state of mind, that is putrid and revolting from the unproductive transformation of aspects of self, for the purpose of “service to self”.
As this journey in this state of mind begins, these two aspects of self, are greeted by a Super Conscious primordial archetype, which represents transformation. This aspect is the guardian of the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of mastery over the Self. The Super Conscious primordial archetype, explains that this aspect of self once also had a desire to wield Super Conscious Permanent Understandings about the Self, but was deemed unworthy to wield them. As a karmic consequence, this Super Conscious primordial archetype was forced by the higher Self to make penitence for the karma it had acquired. This was done by guarding and determining what aspect of self was truly worthy to wield Super Conscious aspects of self.
The primordial Super Conscious aspect explains to the other aspects of self, that in order to obtain the power of the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding, a sacrifice of love for self must be paid. At this point the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype realizes his love for the Subconscious aspect of himself that represents justice balance and temperance. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype transforms through sacrifice of the subconscious aspect of justice, balance, and temperance. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype, has now gone through an Ego death, and acquired the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of how to manipulate and control the Self on all levels of mind.
This is happening in the middle of conscious life experience. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype has the ability to see in to the inner levels of self, and sees the former transformed aspects of self. The transformed subconscious aspect of self is now in a state of becoming a developing subconscious idea about the self. This subconscious idea, communicates to the negative super conscious primordial archetype of violence “what did it cost to acquire the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of manipulating the Self?”, the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype responds, “it cost me everything to acquire this Super Conscious Permanent Understanding.”
Scene 12)
The dreamer is now in such a foreign state of mind, that it seems alien, desolate, vacant and destroyed. At this time the dreamer is accompanied by the conscious and subconscious aspects of self that represents arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, and mastery over “Akasha”. The positive conscious aspects of self which represents, arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, and mastery over “Akasha”, land in a foreign state mind that is extremely alien.
This positive group, meets the positive conscious aspects of self which represents, Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of wielding power, force, discipline, empathic abilities, and emotions. There is a disturbance in this foreign alien state of mind as these aspects harmonize with each other in order to work together in harmony. This conscious and subconscious group aspects of self which represents, arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, and mastery over “Akasha”, Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of wielding power, force, discipline, empathic abilities, emotions, uses all these abilities to make a plan to stop the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype from taking the knowledge of the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding mastery of time.
The positive conscious aspect that has arcane knowledge, and Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, uses this ability of mastery over time, to look into 14,000,605 possible quantum possibilities and how each one will manifest. Through use of this Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of time, this positive conscious aspect of self, found only one quantum possibility time line to act upon, which will grant victory to the positive group aspects of self. At this point, the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype, teleports to this alien foreign state of mind, to acquire the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of manipulation of time.
At this point, the positive conscious aspect of self which represents reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, addresses the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence. This negative Super Conscious primordial archetype tells his history and plan to transform half the group aspects of self on al level of mind, to the positive conscious aspect of reasoning, mastery over the physical brain. This negative Super Conscious primordial archetype, tells the positive conscious aspect of reasoning, and the physical brain, that he alone is the only one worthy to wield the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings, as he alone has sacrificed the most to obtain them, and is the only aspect of self that has the will power to use them and do what needs to be done. The positive conscious aspect of reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, asks the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, what he plans to do when he accomplishes his goal. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence responds that it will exist in a new state of mind on all levels, and watch the Super Conscious awareness go out.
At this point, the conscious and subconscious group aspects of self which represents, arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, and mastery over “Akasha”, Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of wielding power, force, discipline, empathic abilities, emotions, springs into action to fight against the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence. Both positive conscious and subconscious group aspects of self which represents, arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, and mastery over “Akasha”, Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of wielding power, force, discipline, empathic abilities, emotions, finally are able to restrain the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence.
The subconscious aspect of empathic abilities, emotions, puts the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, into a semi-unconscious hypnotic state of mind. Both positive conscious and subconscious group aspects of self which represents, arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, and mastery over “Akasha”, Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of wielding power, force, discipline, empathic abilities, emotions, tries to remove the Super Conscious tool for purpose, from the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence.
The positive conscious aspect of self that uses the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of wielding power, discovers, that this negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, transformed the Subconscious aspect of self which represents justice, balance, and temperance, in order to acquire the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of manipulating the Self. At this point the positive conscious aspect has a negative emotion response. This revitalizes the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, by use of the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of manipulation of the environment, the Self, “Akasha”, and Power over comes the rest of the conscious and subconscious aspects of self.
The positive conscious aspect of self which represents arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, addresses the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence. The positive conscious aspect which uses arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, uses a meditative Mundra to go into a Super Conscious state of mind that gives it the ability to be in multiple states of mind at once. While this positive conscious aspect which uses arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, is in this state of mind, he uses “Akasha” to form energetic bands of binding and restraint to stop and exorcise this negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, in the current state of mind.
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, uses the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of “Akasha” and reality, to send the energetic binding back to the positive conscious aspect which uses arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, tells positive conscious aspect which uses arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, that his outer expression of the 3rd eye is fake. And crushes this outer expression of self.
At this point, the positive conscious aspect of self of reasoning, mastery over the physical brain, attacks the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence to restrain it. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, finally overpowers the positive conscious aspect of self that is reasoning, mastery over the physical brain. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, uses the positive aspects advance tool for transformation to pierce it in the vital core of its self.
In order to save the positive conscious aspect of reasoning and the physical brain, the positive conscious aspect of arcane knowledge, Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of use of time, offers up the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of mastery of time, to the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, if he will not transform the aspect in a negative way for “Service to Self”. From this act of self-sacrifice, the positive conscious aspect of arcane knowledge and wisdom, used his Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of mastery of time, to place all the positive group aspects of self on all levels of Mind, on the proper quantum probability timeline, for victory over the “Shadow Self”. the positive conscious aspect of arcane knowledge and wisdom, tells the wounded reasoning, and physical brain, that “there was no other way to gain mastery over the shadow self.”
Scene 13)
After this internal conflict the dreamer is now in a state of mind that is morefamiliar but still foreign. The current state of mind is enriched, enlightened and self-aware of the true self. The dreamer at this time is accompanied by conscious and subconscious aspects of self that represents mental discipline, transformation, controlled strength, technology, intelligence, resurrection, and healing, and the highest conscious authority. The group aspects of self that use mental discipline and transform on a large scale are strengthening the current state of mind and removing any group conscious or subconscious aspects of self away from harm of being transformed violently.
The conscious aspect of self that is controlled strength, tries once again to entrain and communicate with the Super Conscious aspect of self, that represents pure raw strength, but the connection is refused by the higher self. The positive subconscious aspect of self, that symbolizes technology, intelligence, resurrection, and healing, is still trying to disconnect and remove the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of the 3rd eye, and how the minds works from the conscious aspect of self, that symbolizes the mastery of the 3rd eye and Kundalini energy.
At this point the body for the negative group consciousness, traveled through all levels of mind in to the Subconscious mind, to invade the current state of mind, with hordes of negative aspects of self, designed to cause scatter attention, and violently transform positive group aspects of self. The state of mind that is enriched, enlightened and self-aware, places a mental barrier to reinforce the state of mind, and the group aspects of self, that use mental discipline and transform. The hordes of negative aspects of self, designed to cause scatter attention, and violently transform positive group aspects of self, tries to break through the mental barrier, through the practice of self-sacrifice.
The hordes of negative aspects that scatter attention, and violently transform, start to move closer towards the core state of mind of enrichment, enlightenment and self-awareness. The conscious aspect of highest authority, orders an opening in the mental barrier so a small portion of the horde of negative aspects can come through to distract the rest from attacking the core state of mind, to be transformed. The hordes of negative aspects that scatter attention, and violently transform, start to enter the current state of mind. Through the use of freedom, the two positive conscious aspects of self, transform the negative group aspects of wild unrestrained strength and violence, on a massive scale through tools that expand and transform. The group aspects of self that use mental discipline and transform on a large scale, begins to engage the negative group aspects of wild unrestrained strength and violence, and transformation on a massive scale begins.
The negative group consciousness violence and aggression, use massive tools for transformation, that can travel through the Subconscious Mind, and transform on a massive scale. The positive subconscious aspect of self that uses Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the Mind, and life force energy, joins in the struggle between the positive and negative group aspects of self. She takes the negative massive tools for transformation and turns it on the negative group aspects of self, of wild unrestrained strength and violence, thus transforming them.
The three positive subconscious aspects of self that represents intelligent mental discipline, positive transformation, Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the Mind and Life Force energy, gets cast into a part of the subconscious mind that has obstacles, by the negative subconscious aspect of self that is aggressive violence. The subconscious aspect of Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the Mind and Life Force energy, elevates and transforms the negative subconscious aspect of aggressive violence by its own large tools used for violent transformation.
The negative group aspects of wild unrestrained strength and violence, starts to overwhelm the positive group aspects of self that use mental discipline and transform on a large scale. At this time the three Super Conscious, subconscious and conscious aspects of Ego death, redemption, rebirth, positive transformation, and subconscious existence that is on the Hero’s Journey, instantly travel through many vast levels of mind, and arrive in the state of mind that is enriched, enlightened and self-aware. The positive Super Conscious Aspect on the “Hero’s Journey”, uses his Super Conscious tool for transformation and Super Conscious Life Force energy, to transform the negative group aspects of wild unrestrained strength and violence.
The positive conscious group aspects of self that protect and defend other positive group aspects of self, start to move out from the current state of mind, and out into the Subconscious mind, covered with dense large subconscious thought forms of existence. At this point the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, travels instantly though many vast levels of mind, into the Subconscious mind, covered with dense large subconscious thought forms of existence. The positive conscious aspect of self, honorable, devoted, and service to others, does battle with the Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, and the positive conscious aspect is over powered and put into a state of unconscious mind. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, uses his purpose, and wields the Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the environment, Self, “Akasha”, Power, and time, to beat back the positive conscious group aspects of self that protect and defend other positive group aspects of self.
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, finally has a battle of will against the positive subconscious aspect of self, that uses Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the Mind, and life force energy, but is temporally driven back. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, uses his purpose to counter the positive subconscious aspects raw power and force of will. Through the positive subconscious aspects raw power and force of will, she is able to destroy the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of mastery of the mind, and along with it, transforming the positive conscious aspect that uses this Super Conscious Permanent Understanding, and the 3rd eye. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, through his use of the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of mastery of time, is able to reverse time, and reforms the positive conscious aspect that uses this Super Conscious Permanent Understanding, and the 3rd eye.
The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, takes the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of mastery of the mind and violently transforms the positive conscious aspect that uses this Super Conscious Permanent Understanding, and the 3rd eye for the second time. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, has now acquired the Super Conscious Permanent Understanding of mastery of the mind, and is now all powerful, and can do as he wills for “Service to Self”.
The positive Super Conscious Aspect of self that is on the “Hero’s Journey”, uses his Super Conscious tool for transformation, and hits the negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence in his core. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, says, “you should have attacked my Mind, instead of my Heart.” The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, uses his negative Super Conscious purpose, and transforms half the group aspects across all levels of Mind. The negative Super Conscious primordial archetype of violence, instantly travels to a new extremely foreign state of mind that is very alien. This archetype watches the Super Conscious awareness slowly fade, on all states of mind.
Scene 14)
The dreamer is now going through a massive state of negative self-transformation. At this point half of the conscious, subconscious, and super conscious group aspects of self, begin to transform. The positive conscious aspect of street smarts and survival instinct becomes transformed. The positive conscious aspect of highest inner authority, and warrior spirit become transformed. The positive subconscious aspect of using Super Conscious Permanent Understandings of the Mind, and life force energy becomes transformed. The positive conscious aspect of freedom becomes transformed. The positive conscious aspect of self-discipline, and massive positive transformation is transformed. The Subconscious thought form of positive transformation, and subconscious existence, identifies the conscious aspect of Ego death, redemption and rebirth, its inner authority. And then begins to transform.
Attention of the dreamer is then placed on a vastly foreign and alien subconscious state of mind that is hostile. The positive conscious aspect that has mastery over “Akasha” and intuition, begins to sense something is wrong on all levels of Mind. This positive aspect begins to lose Life Force and tries to use purpose to hold onto reasoning and the physical brain. The positive conscious aspect that has mastery over “Akasha” and intuition, says it is sorry for transforming before being ready, and then finally transforms.
The positive conscious group aspects of self that protect the group aspects of self, on all levels of mind, become transformed. The conscious aspect arcane knowledge, and wisdom, says, “We are close to our goal of victory over the shadow self now”, and then is transformed. The positive conscious aspect of reasoning, and the physical brain, is left stranded alone, in a vastly foreign, dead, and extremely alien state of Mind.
Scene 15)
The dreamer is now in a familiar state of Subconscious Mind. In this state of mind, the dreamer is accompanied by conscious and subconscious aspects of self that represents strategic massive transformation, and freedom of will. The dreamer is moving along the path of life, when all of a sudden, the path of life becomes blocked. The aspects of self that are in control of the physical body on the path of life are now transformed and gone. The empty bodies of self, are stopped and now blocking the forward path of life. Then physical bodies for organizations and group consciousness, are now transformed and empty and have lost their freedom and crashing down into other states of mind.
The positive subconscious aspect of strategic massive transformation, now begins to become transformed and fades away. The positive conscious aspect which represents freedom of will, sees with proper perspective what is going on, and pulls out a tool for telepathy from the physical body. The positive conscious aspect which represents freedom of will, telepathically summons, the positive Subconscious aspect of self which represents, freedom, divine strength, precognitive 7th sense, and power of cosmic awareness. The positive conscious aspect which represents freedom of will, then becomes transformed and fades away.
Well, there you go. The entire movie of “Avengers: Infinity Wars” interpreted in dream symbols.
Anyways, this was a super huge article. I hope this has been educational for you.
Thank you for your time and attention.
- Betzalel Maggid