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How the mind works

Writer's picture: Betzalel MaggidBetzalel Maggid

By: Betzalel Maggid 2018/05/16

Copyright (c) 2018 

If you are reading this blog, then you have come to my site seeking answers in your life. Or you may already have an experience with the paranormal, metaphysical, or dreams which have lead you to seek answers. I am glad you are here. I am an actual real-world wizard. The technical term used now days is “Metaphysician”. Let me be your guide in introducing you to your SELF!

One of the first things we learn as a Metaphysician, is that you are more than just a physical body. You have a physical body with a brain, but that is not the totality of the you, that makes “YOU”. The real “YOU”, is ageless and timeless. When people think of the mind, they think of the cognitive functioning of the physical hardware which we call the brain. However, I am here to tell you, that the mind is so much more than that. Your mind is so vast, and so powerful, that it expands from the physical mechanics of your brain and grows past inner and outer dimensions to manifest the whole “YOU”. 

These different dimensions of the mind, are so large that they are broken up by wizards, witches, and Metaphysicians to study on a daily basis. We will be going into what makes up the “Mind” in this article. The first level of “Mind” which we experience every day, is called the “Conscious Mind”. This is where we have developed and honed the faculty of reasoning. The function of the “Conscious Mind” is to house the Ego, and gain experiences by doing “Inner Work”, that create “Soul Growth” or “Soul Learning”. This is what we usually call Karma in the Eastern Traditions. The law of Cause and Effect. In the “Conscious Mind”, we are governed by our emotions, and passions, all while trying to sort out the whole mess, to gain wisdom and understanding for ourselves in our daily lives. This level of mind is also governed by the element of time. This gives us the ability to learn from placing our attention in the past – in memory, nostalgia, or regret – or into the future, with goal planning, fantasy, and fear. The key to mastery is to place your attention in the present moment.

The level up from the “Conscious Mind”, is the “Subconscious Mind”. This level is so large that it is broken down in to separate layers, by Metaphysicians. The first level of the “Subconscious Mind”, is called “The Emotional Level”. This level deals with our emotions. Emotions are the thin powerful membrane that separates the “Conscious Mind”, from the “Subconscious Mind”. The function of our emotions, is to push thoughts and ideas formed by the upper levels of Mind, out into the physical reality of the “Conscious Mind”. This level of Mind also represents the first layer of our energetic bodies called, the aura field. 

The next level up from the “Emotional” level, is called the “Lower Astral”. This level of Mind, as well as the “Emotional” level, can be quite turbulent, and full of random chaos. We often experience this in our dreams, as Sepia tone colors, and the random changing images we see. Thought forms, create and destroy objects we form in our dreams unconsciously. These objects, seemingly real to the touch in our dreams, are formed out of a substance known in Hinduism and Buddhism as “Akasha”, or “Mind Substance”. Many of the world religions which describes a place of torment, or purgatory are often referring to this level of Mind, due to its chaotic nature. 

The level up from the “Lower Astral”, is called the “Higher Astral”. This level is filled with bright neon colors and is very vivid to behold. This level of “Mind”, though not quite as chaotic as the “Lower Astral”, still can be very random. This is the level where most people dream each night. In the Talmud, it is stated that when we dream, we experience 1/60thpercent of death each night. Meaning, that the self-awareness, has stilled, and turned away its attention from the stimulus of the outer “Conscious Mind”, and has gone inward, into the levels of the “Lower Astral”, or “Higher Astral” realms. A similar process happens at the point of death, when the attention of the “Conscious Mind”, is separated from the body, and turns inward, for its after-life journey into the inner levels of “Mind”. This level of “Mind”, has a purpose. The purpose of the “Subconscious Mind” is to respond to the desires and requests of the “Conscious Mind”, to bring experiences by which the “Conscious Mind” can learn from and grow. This growth on a soul level is known as a “Permanent Understanding”.  In Christianity, it is known as “Testimonies” or “Crowns of Glory”. These understandings we take with us and become a Permanent part of who and what we are. In the Eastern traditions, this is known as “Dharma”, or that which you have to offer as a soul gift to another. In this level of Mind, we are often greeted by other travelers along the way, in what is known as the mass consciousness, in the Western Mystical traditions, these are known as “Egregores”. In Jungian Psychology, this is known as “The Collective Unconscious”. “Egregores” are a huge topic onto its own, and I will probably cover that in another blog article. For now, just understand, that the function of the mass consciousness, is to interact with like-minded spirits and souls, who like you are incarnated in the physical of the “Conscious Mind”, or have already completed their journey, and are moving ever upward. They are there to bring us gifts of wisdom and understanding.

The next level up from the “Higher Astral”, is the level simply called “Mind”. This level is in pastel colored light, or very sheer white light. This level of Mind, has now become very still and calm, much like a pond of water with a glass like reflection. In this level of Mind, is held a very important function, called “The Akashic Records”. In the Western Mystical and religious traditions, this is called “The Book of Life”. In this level of Mind, all events that transpire throughout the Multiverse, are encoded, and written upon a membrane of vibrational holographic energy. It produces 3D holographic thought pictures, etched in “Akasha”, as a record of what happens below. Only the highest level of mystics and prophets are able to pear into this level of Mind. Attaining this level, takes years of experience, schooling, guidance, and patients.

Moving up and beyond the “Subconscious Mind”, is the “Super Conscious Mind”. This aspect is not often talked about or known about. This level of Mind deals specifically with thoughts and ideals. This is the core template of who we are, and what we are meant to become. We refer to this in our society as our “God-Self”. This level of mind is broken into two parts, the receptive aspect, which is the level we call “Cosmic Consciousness”, and is usually symbolized by a female archetype, such as the “Virgin Mary”. This level is the ultimate level of the receptive or feminine quality. The last and final level is called “Christ Consciousness” or “God-Man”. This level is the ultimate active or masculine level of mind one has access too. There is a dividing point between the “Subconscious Mind” and the “Super Conscious Mind” called, “The Dome of the Skull”. This is symbolized as the ultimate level outside of our physical incarnation. It is through this level that the stories of Tibetan monks, perform the “Rainbow Body” mediation, and leave the physical incarnation. It is said that if successfully done, a bone on the top of their skull breaks open, to allow the soul to depart into enlightenment.

For an easier way to conceptualize these different levels of Mind, Metaphysicians have developed many different charts to study them. One chart I will present you with today is called, “The Mind Triangle”. I studied this during my tenure at the School of Metaphysics.

My recommendation is to spend some time looking over this chart. It is of great value to study and learn. When you have a metaphysical experience, you can refer back to this chart.

Thank you for taking your time to read this article. I hope it has been beneficial to you, and has brought you great learning.

Thank you 

· Betzalel Maggid

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