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Permanent understandings

Writer's picture: Betzalel MaggidBetzalel Maggid

Permanent understandings

By: Betzalel Maggid 2018/05/22

Copyright (c) 2018

My specialty in life is the ability to introduce people to their own spirituality. I have a passion for talking to people about highly esoteric things that otherwise would never come up in a daily conversation. My ability to help people understand their own mind, and spiritual path has help to transform the lives of those whom I talk to. It’s a gift. This is what I have to share with other people. In Metaphysics, this is something we call “Permanent Understandings”.

This is actually a concept which you have heard before, only there is a much more metaphysical understanding of how it functions. In many of the world religions we hear terms such as “having a testimony”, “crowns with gemstones when we get to heaven”, and the best explanation of these “dharma”. Permanent Understandings, are experiences, knowledge and understanding, which we come into this life with, which seemingly comes from nowhere, but in reality, we pull them directly from the Subconscious and Super Conscious Minds.

Whether you believe in transmigration of souls or not, permanent understandings, are a core part of your soul being. They are formed by the learning that happens, either through hardships, joyful moments, harmonious meetings, and experiences of the divine. Will power also has a function in the formation of Permanent Understandings. By the use of will power, we force our way through life’s tough moments, create the self-discipline to still the mind in meditation, or create fantastic creations which inspires and baffles the mind. 

By paying attention to your dreams, you will sometimes come across these “Permanent Understandings” in your inner travels. Whenever we encounter the use of volition or will power in our dream, it will usually show up in images of rocks or stones which we pick up or has some major function in the dream. Whenever we encounter the use of permanent understandings, they appear as crystals, gemstones, or in some cases fish in water. In the case of rocks and stones, they come from the Subconscious mind. If they are rough, it means that you are working to smooth out the edges of this understanding in your daily life. If they are nice and polished, that means that it is an understanding which you have been gaining wisdom and insight with for a while. Crystals and gemstones, usually represent Permanent Understandings which are from the Super Conscious Mind. If it is an uncut crystal, then it is probably an understanding which is new to you and you are needing to create new facets of that understanding in your daily life. If it is a gemstone of some kind, that means that you have been working on this understanding for a very long time, and that you have developed many different facets of how that understanding manifests in the Subconscious and Conscious minds. Gemstones are an interesting symbol as the implication that is has much value placed on it. All of the learning which you do in this life time, will become Permanent Understandings once you leave your earthly schooling, and pass on from the physical. The image of fish, comes from the idea, that when we fish, we pull them out of the water, but we do not see the source of their creation. In much the same way, we have the ability to pull understandings from the Super Conscious Mind, which appears as if by magick.

So, how does the Mind create these understandings? Well, let’s say that the function of the Conscious Mind, and the Ego, is to survive and gain experiences and learn about its self through experiment, trail and error. The function of the Subconscious Mind, is to respond to the Conscious Minds desire to learn about the self, and also to take the understandings gained during our life time and store them away for permanent keeping. In doing so, it makes these understandings a core part of our identity. In the Yogic tradition, these understandings then become our “Dharma” or that which we have to offer others. That is why “Karma” is a function of this reality, as it is the law by which cause, and effect are learned by our actions with one another, and with nature. 

So, how can I tell I have a Permanent Understanding. Well – everyone has them, from the day they are born, and the Conscious Mind begins to integrate with the physical form we call a body. This usually takes seven years to complete. This happens as the “Nashama”, or individuated soul spark comes down from the Subconscious Mind, and into the Conscious Mind, which in Kabbalah is called the “Ruach” or breath / spirit also life force energy, and finely into the “Nefesh” or flesh body, and then integrates into the bio-electrical centers we call chakras. At the age of 7 the final layer of the aura field and crown chakra are sealed with the hard-eggshell type covering which solidifies the soul into its physical vessel. When we think about Permanent Understandings, think about how at some time in your life, when someone, or a group of people, needed assistance, or had a question about something, and you were able to magickly provide the answer or solution. This is one manifestation. Another way to tell, is think about a skill or ability you have which you have mastered. These are often Permanent Understandings which we have brought with us into this life time. Here is an exercise, I want you to do, take 10 minutes and write down 10 things you know you are good at. Next, after writing these down, can you think of a time, when you have used this skill or ability to help someone, create harmony in a relationship, or illuminated someone’s life where there was once darkness. If so, chances are, that this is a Permanent Understandings which you wield.

 For those of you who would like to take this even further, you can do this affirmation every night for a week before going to bed. 

“(YOUR NAME) -  It is my Conscious Minds Desire, to receive awareness of my Permanent understandings, both Subconscious and Super Conscious, so I may continue to build them in my life time.” 

Try doing this either as a statement before doing your daily meditation, or at night before you go to sleep. Make sure to keep your metaphysics journal, or your dream journal next to your meditation spot or your bed and record the affirmation and what happens during your experience. If you are truly ready to build upon these, the Subconscious Mind will reveal them to you. I hope that you have some exciting experiences with this. Remember once you receive the awareness of the understanding, use with respect and responsibility. – you know the saying about having great power, right?

Thank you for your time and attention. My you have a full awareness of your Permanent Understandings”.

· Betzalel Maggid

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