The mirror of Narcissus
By: Betzalel Maggid 2018/05/31
Copyright (c) 2018 dreamrunes.com
Today I had a stunning revelation. I was talking with my wife about a person she watches on YouTube, who has an addiction and self-destructive behavior patterns of attracting negative attention to herself by the YouTube videos she posts. My wife calls it “hate-watching”. This woman historically has been her own worst enemy and has even been on the Dr.Phil show. I was commenting to my wife how this person is desperately grabbing out for attention, trying to fill a hole of longing inside her. However, the cure is never outside of us, as what she is really longing for is fulfilment. And that only comes from following a spiritual path of self-awareness and taking the time to still the mind and going within to fill the spirit shaped hole in our hearts. I was in the middle of making a comment about our mass publics addiction to “selfies” and posting numerus videos of ourselves on YouTube, and that we have as a generation, a very narcissistic society.
Then it dawned on me. Wow! What a powerful and terrifying archetype has ahold of us as a society.
This is what Wikipedia says about Narcissus:
“In Greek mythology, Narcissus (/nɑːrˈsɪsəs/; Greek: Νάρκισσος, Nárkissos) was a hunter from Thespiae in Boeotia who was known for his beauty. He was the son of the river god Cephissus and nymph Liriope.[1] He was proud, in that he disdained those who loved him. Nemesis noticed this behavior and attracted Narcissus to a pool, where he saw his own reflection in the water and fell in love with it, not realizing it was merely an image. Unable to leave the beauty of his reflection, Narcissus lost his will to live. He stared at his reflection until he died. Narcissus is the origin of the term narcissism, a fixation with oneself and one's physical appearance or public perception.“ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissus_(mythology)
We as a civilization, have been captured by our own reflection, on behalf of the archetype “Nemesis”, who I would extend to be the Illuminati Cabal. We are constantly self-obsessed with our own vanity or exterior facades and outer appearances, without taking the time to look with in ourselves. This mesmerizing distraction, has the effect of pacifying us to the point of self-annihilation, as we hand over our free will and co-creative abilities, over to an evil Cabal who drowns us, in our own mirror reflection, instead of gaining real conscious life experience. The false pride of Narcissus, I would postulate, is equivalent to the attitudes of those who are really still “asleep”, and move through life on autopilot, instead of waking up and taking their own co-creative consciousness back for themselves, and the rest of humanity. Instead they think they really know what is going on. And often scoff at those who actually are awake.
To my astrologically trained mind, this also seems like an effect of Neptunian influences. If we look at the sign of Neptune and its astrological significance, Neptune governs fantasy, imagination, spirituality, mythology, the calm and tranquil seas. In Neptune’s negative aspects, it governs hallucinations, illusion, religion, drug addiction, disillusionment, the raging seas. The water aspect of Neptune, relates in dream symbols to “Conscious Life Experience”. So in a negative aspect, this would be a flood, or overabundance of conscious life experience or a lack of famine of conscious life experience – which is what this narcissism is creating in our generations lives.
I am not saying that watching YouTube, taking selfies, or recording videos is a bad thing, as the UFO Disclosure community has been using this very same technology to take the fight directly to the Cabal. However, this technology, like fire, if used with a lack of self-awareness, can have a very self-destructive archetype attached to it. And this, is where it leads back to my article on the power of “Egregores”. The Illuminati Cabal, having taken over the mystery schools in the past, have access, knowledge and ability to use these Subconscious and Super Conscious archetypes as a weapon against an asleep, unarmed, unaware public. This is how the black magick of the Cabal is done. By openly telling the public something in their encrypted symbols. This lack of reaction, karmically, is a passive form or acceptance. Those of us who are awake, see the symbols and are aware of their plans to subdue our co-creative abilities. The very ones they use to try and enslave us.
So how does one fight an Egregore? With the very same weapons they use against us. By using our self-awareness, and co-creative consciousness, once activated, makes us an unstoppable force for light and good. Here is an exercise I would like the readers of my blog to actively do. Next time you watch a movie, pick out and interpret symbols from the movie, as you would your own dream. When we watch movies, it puts us into a “Theta” state of consciousness which makes it easy to “slip” in messages, without us being totally aware. By interpreting the movie as a dream, you are catching that hidden thought form coming at you and becoming aware of the program that is being put inside of you. To the readers out there in the UFO Disclosure community, I know you all know what I am talking about. Many of you have already heard this from David Wilcock, and Cory Goode, so I am preaching to the quire. However, we are a small minority, compared to the mass populace.
A fellow Kabbalist (my sisters step-mother) once told me, that electronic devices, especially those of T.V.s, cellphones, computers, and tablets, all mimic the blue light of the “Sh’kinah” (the receptive Super Conscious aspect of the Creator). This blue light / white noise, has a hypnotic effect on our minds, as it puts us Subconsciously into a vulnerable state of reception associated with the “Sh’kinah”. The Illuminati Cabal knows this and uses it to their advantage. Be awake my friends, as it says in the Bible:
"But keep on the alert at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man." "Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap; for it will come upon all those who dwell on the face of all the earth.” Luke 21:34-36
My hope is that I have help to bring awareness to this archetype which we as a mass consciousness have been enslaved and entrapped in. here is my affirmation for the day:
“Betzalel Maggid, I am light, awareness, and life. I will reason, will, and act. I will actively be aware, and take responsibility and action for my co-creative abilities.”
Thank you for your time and attention.
· Betzalel Maggid