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What the heck is a “Density”?

Writer's picture: Betzalel MaggidBetzalel Maggid

What the heck is a “Density”?

By: Betzalel Maggid 2018/05/17

Copyright (c) 2018 

If you are not actively part of the Disclosure community, and don’t listen to “Fade 2 Black Radio” by Jimmy Church, or watch “Cosmic Disclosure” by David Wilcock and Cory Goode, you probably have no idea what I am talking about. 

I have studied Traditional Rabbinical Kabbalah for over 25+ years. And over that time, whenever the topic of “The resurrection of the Dead”, or “Glorified Bodies” came up, the Rabbis would struggle to give a very esoteric explanation which would start out something like this, “The teaching that has been brought down to us, from our Sages, Teachers, and Forefather’s state…”. Books such as “Sha’ar Ha’Gilgulim”, from the 16thcentury Tzvat Israel, By Rabbi Chaim Vitel and Rabbi Isaac Luria, is extraordinarily complex in its description of what happens during the “Resurrection of the dead”, and the “Messianic Age”. It wasn’t till I was introduced to the “Law of One” books, through watching David Wilcock’s shows, that I really began to finally understand a human intelligible picture of what the Medieval Rabbis were stumbling to say. 

As I have stated before, in previous blog post, the “Mind” that is you, extends through seven different layers of reality, that moves from the “Conscious Mind” all the way up to the “Super Conscious Mind”. This is very similar to the description given in the “Law of One”,2 for the different “Densities”. A “Density” is a state of being, which defines a level of awareness of existence, and energetic resonance. When I was at The School of Metaphysics, in the lessons, we were taught that there was a progression in the development and evolution of the life upon this planet. The first level of planetary evolution, was the manifestation of noble gas, rocks, elements, and inanimate objects.  The second phase of planetary evolution, was the growth of plant, and animal life. This is also called the stage of “Animal-Man”. The third phase was, the advent of evolution called, “The age of Reasoning-Man”. This is the current state which we are in right now. The next phase, is call the advent of “The Age of Intuitive-Man”. After this time period of evolution, we move into “The Age of God-Man”. That is as far as the lessons took it, but as you can see there is a direct comparison to “The Mind Triangle”, “Stages of Planetary evolution”, and the different “Densities” described in the “Law of One”.

“Densities”, are labeled as levels 1 – 8. Each density has a lesson of self-awareness, or group awareness, to learn from that time cycle of evolutional development. In the “Law of One”, “Ra” gives a list of the lessons learned during each density.

“16.51 Questioner: Could you define the word density as we have been using it to give us a little greater idea of the concept of this term when used by you?

Ra: I am Ra. The term density is a, what you would call, mathematical one. The closest analogy is that of music, whereby after seven notes on your western type of scale, if you will, the eighth note begins a new octave. Within your great octave of existence which we share with you, there are seven octaves or densities. Within each density there are seven sub-densities. Within each sub-density, seven sub-sub-densities, and so on infinitely.


 16.21 Questioner: Can you give me some kind of history of your social memory complex and how you became aware of the Law of One?

Ra: I am Ra. The path of our learning is graven in the present moment. There is no history, as we understand your concept. Picture, if you will, a circle of being. We know the alpha and omega as infinite intelligence. The circle never ceases. It is present. The densities we have traversed at various points in the circle correspond to the characteristics of cycles: first, the cycle of awareness; second, the cycle of growth; third, the cycle of self-awareness; fourth, the cycle of love or understanding; fifth, the cycle of light or wisdom; sixth, the cycle of light/love, love/light, or unity; seventh, the gateway cycle; eighth, the octave which moves into a mystery we do not plumb.” 

– Law of One

Lessons of each density / cycles

1) first density = the cycle of awareness =  “Conscious Level of  Mind”

2) second density = the cycle of growth =  “Emotional level of  Mind”

3) third density = the cycle of self-awareness  = ”Lower Astral Level of Mind”

4) fourth density = the cycle of love or understanding = ”Higher Astral Level of Mind”

5) fifth density = the cycle of light or wisdom = “Mind”

6) sixth density = the cycle light/love/ love light or unity = “Super Conscious – Causal Level of Mind”

7) seventh density = the gateway cycle =  “Super Conscious – Christ Consciousness Level of Mind”  ( become one with all, thus having no memory, no identity, no past or future, but existing in the all.)

8) eighth density = the octave which moves into a mystery we do not plumb = The next octive of “The Mind Triangle”

This concept has been talked about by the Medieval Catholic Church, known as “The Great Chain of Being”. Here is the wiki article on it here: Catholic sages of that day, described a state of being, with in the cosmic structure of Gods divine universe. The top of the chain was God, Christ, and the holy choir of Angels. This went on down the list, to saints, Monks, righteous believers. Or Kings, Upper class and nobility, Middle class, and the lower class. “The Great Chain of Being”, also denoted that humans take a place on the middle ground between the forces of heaven and hell. This was probably a throwback from the position of “Midgard” on the Yggdrasil tree, from Nordic Mythologies. At the very bottom of the list was the demons, and Satan, which was equated to the same level, or lower state of being, as rock and stone, thus, being the heaviest. So, it went something like the list below:

1. God

2. Angels

3. Humanity

4. Animals

5. Plants

6. Minerals

7. Demons

8. Satan

The “Densities” also are associated with colors of the Chakras and the Aura field. 

“32.12Questioner:Can you give me an idea how the different colors… This is a difficult question to ask. I hardly have any words. What I’m trying to get at is how the different colors I might say originate as these functions or the essence, you might say, of the origin of these colors as functions for these different expressions in consciousness. I don’t know if this question is sufficient.

Ra:I am Ra. This question is sufficiently clear for us to attempt explanation of what, as you have observed, is not easily grasped material for the intellectual mind. The nature of vibration is such that it may be seen as having mathematically strait or narrow steps. These steps may be seen as having boundaries. Within each boundary there are infinite gradations of vibration or color. However, as one approaches a boundary, an effort must be made to cross that boundary. These colors are a simplistic way of expressing the boundary divisions of your density. There is also the time/space analogy which may be seen as the color itself in a modified aspect.” 

– Law of One

“39.10 Questioner: I sense that there is fruitful ground for investigation of our development in tracing the evolution of the bodily energy centers because these seven centers seem to be linked with all of the sevens that I spoke of previously and be central to our own development. Could you describe the process of evolution of these bodily energy centers starting with the most primitive form of life to have them?

Ra: I am Ra. This material has been covered previously to some extent. Therefore, we shall not repeat information upon which rays dwell in first and second density and the wherefores of this, but rather attempt to enlarge upon this information.

The basic pivotal points of each level of development; that is, each density beyond second, may be seen to be as follows: Firstly, the basic energy of so-called red ray. This ray may be understood to be the basic strengthening ray for each density. It shall never be condescended to as less important or productive of spiritual evolution, for it is the foundation ray.

The next foundation ray is yellow. This is the great stepping stone ray. At this ray the mind/body potentiates to its fullest balance. The strong red/orange/yellow triad springboards the entity into the center ray of green. This is again a basic ray but not a primary ray.

This is the resource for spiritual work. When green ray has been activated we find the third primary ray being able to begin potentiation. This is the first true spiritual ray in that all transfers are of an integrated mind/body/spirit nature. The blue ray seats the learning/teachings of the spirit in each density within the mind/body complex, animating the whole, communicating to others this entirety of beingness.

The indigo ray, though precious, is that ray worked upon only by the adept, as you would call it. It is the gateway to intelligent infinity bringing intelligent energy through. This is the energy center worked upon in those teachings considered inner, hidden, and occult, for this ray is that which is infinite in its possibilities. As you are aware, those who heal, teach, and work for the Creator in any way which may be seen to be both radiant and balanced are those activities which are indigo ray.

As you are aware, the violet ray is constant and does not figure into a discussion of the functions of ray activation in that it is the mark, the register, the identity, the true vibration of an entity.”

– Law of One

From the above quotations we see that there is a definite correspondence between colors, “Densities” and levels of “Mind”. 

1. 1stDensity, Conscious Mind, 1stChakra, Red Ray

2. 2ndDensity, Emotional Level, 2ndChakra, Orange Ray

3. 3rdDensity, Lower Astral, 3rdChakra, Yellow Ray

4. 4thDensity, Higher Astral, 4thChakra, Green ray

5. 5thDensity, Mind Level, 5thChakra, Blue Ray

6. 6thDensity, Causal Consciousness, 6thChakra, Indigo Ray

7. 7thDensity, Christ Consciousness, 7thChakra, Violet / White Ray

This concept helps us to conceptualize our current time and space in evolution. We humans here on earth, are at a current turning point. We are 3rdDensity beings, transitioning over into 4thDensity beings. We are moving from the “Age of Reasoning Man”, and into the “Age of Intuitive Man”. The concepts that have come to us in all of our ancient religions, which if you are in the Disclosure community, seemingly was influenced by Ancient Alien Astronauts, foretell of the transition of densities, via religious verbology, such as “The Rapture” A.K.A “Rainbow Light Body”, or the “Resurrection of the Dead”. 

There is also a correlation of Densities and levels of photons, which I would surmise relates also to the seven different “Ray” vibrations associated with those densities. As we get closer to the crossover from 3rdDensity to 4thDensity, our photons become charged with a higher vibration.

“40.3Questioner:Thank you. I was also wondering if the first density corresponded somehow to the color red, the second to the color orange, the third to the color yellow and so on through the densities corresponding to the colors in perhaps a way so that the basic vibration that forms the photon that forms the core of all atomic particles would have a relationship to that color in the density and, and that that vibration would step up for second, third, and fourth density corresponding to the increase in the vibration of the colors. Is this in any way correct?

· I am Ra. This is more correct than you have stated. Firstly, you are correct in positing a quantum, if you will, as the nature of each density and further correct in assuming that these quanta may be seen to be of vibratory natures corresponding to color as you grasp this word. However, it is also true, as you have suspected but not asked, that each density is of the metaphysical characteristic complex of its ray. Thus in first density the red ray is the foundation for all that is to come. In second density the orange ray is that of movement and growth of the individual, this ray striving towards the yellow ray of self-conscious manifestations of a social nature as well as individual; third density being the equivalent, and so forth, each density being primarily its ray plus the attractions of the following ray pulling it forward in evolution and to some extent coloring or shading the chief color of that density.”

“40.5Questioner:Thank you. Taking as an example the transition between second and third density, when this transition takes place, does the frequency of vibration which forms the photon (the core of all particles of the density), does this frequency increase from a frequency corresponding to second density or orange, the color orange, the frequency we measure for the color orange, to the frequency we measure for the color yellow? What I am getting at is, do all the vibrations that form the density, basic vibrations of the photon, increase in a quantum fashion over a relatively short period of time?

· I am Ra. This is correct. Then you see within each density the gradual up-grading of vibratory levels.”

– Law of One

In the Law of One reference at the beginning of the article, “Ra” describes sub-densities for each density, and going into even further divisions of the densities, there are sub-sub-sub densities and so on. There is a similar concept in Traditional Rabbinical Judaism, which is called the “50 Gates of Purity”. The story goes, that when Moses and the children of Israel had crossed the Red Sea, they were spiritually at a state, where they were only at the first gate of purity and were facing extinction as a people. It is said by the Rabbi’s that had the children of Israel, sunk lower than that gate of purity, then they would have face annihilation and become fully assimilated into the surrounding nations. However, as they walked toward the encampment of Mount Sini, they began the spiritual climb up the ladder of gateways, till they reached the 49thgate, one gate per each day of the journey. On the last day, was the day of the reception of the Torah on Mount Sini, and the creation of the festival of Shavuot. It seems to me that the gateways talked about by the Rabbi’s have a strong correlation to the sub-densities talked about by “Ra”, in “The Law of One”.

I hope that the information in this blog post has been useful in the study of densities, and has brought more awareness to this interesting subject.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog article.

- Betzalel Maggid

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